I AM NOT A DOCTOR. The content in this blog is based on my extended studies, experiment and experience. and no one in the world can prove the findings to be wrong. Please refer htysolution.blogspot.com, htyremedies.blogspot.com,htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Can Homoeopathy be taught?


                                                                         Can Homoeopathy be taught?

It is quite obvious that nothing happens without teaching and nothing works without studying as well. Theory is the base of all our knowledge. Principles of Homeopathy as taught by  Dr. Hahnemann—by Dr Boericke M.D.  page number  51 and 72, states that Homeopathy, doses can be determined by experiment and experience. It further says—Experience alone can teach which will bring about the best results in any given case. I interpret it as “Homeopathy , doses can not be taught”. But before this we will try to understand what prompted the discoverer to say that? He said it because of the fact that Homoeopathy is far from teaching and studying. We have many-many doctors but the disease is on rise. The number  of patients are increasing day-by-day. In India, 20% people suffer from incurable diseases according to the latest record. The world figure may be different.  This indicates that Homeopathy is not used as expected. The law of cure is not followed strictly. Should we follow the law of  cure, the number of patients can never increase at this rate. The only problem in following the curing principles is that it needs lot of practice. It needs in-depth knowledge of Homoeopathy. A doctor can not attend to hundreds of patients daily . With lesser patients  his earning will reduce. 
                                                    Homoeopathy in real sense, is not a system to provide  disease based treatment. We need to find the cause of diseases and a suitable remedy to eliminate the cause. This process needs time. The doctor and the patient both should have patience to follow the curing principles. If any one of these two looses the patience, the single remedy cure can not be achieved. In this regard the patient and the doctor, both are dependant on each other. Both need each other and therefore a understanding has to be developed. 
                                                     Once I was in a medical store to buy some remedies. A young man also bought some remedies which included Argentum Nitricum 200. Having Seen this, I took my remedies and was waiting out side the store for the man to come out. After some time the man came out of the store. I asked him excuse me what is your name and your profession? He replied I am a Homeopathic  doctor. I then asked him - do you know that Homoeoapthic remedies are very harmful and has killing effect if misapplied. To the surprise for all of us today he replied “No, I do not know. No body has taught me this. You are the first person I heard this.” It may be only a surprise for many others and for that doctor, but upon hearing this I got  a shock. I became  very sad to hear him. He developed some interest in conversation so I continued. I asked “ Have you ever used Argentum nitricum 200. His reply was NO”. I informed him about myself and said Argentum Nitricum 30 is capable of curing every diseases including cancer. I have cured chronic case of colitis by 30th potency and I found it to be very-very strong.  We never need to use it in 200 potency. The potency 200 is very-very strong and dangerous to use. It may be required only for the  purpose of experimentation. Even during the experimentation of such strong and powerful remedies, we ought to be very careful.  It can damage our organ. It can cause permanent disability. Even Dr. Boericke recommended to use only 3rd to 30th potency of this remedy. This is a true story and represents the knowledge of teaching and studying. My biggest worry is that if such powerful remedies are used without knowledge and care, then only God knows the result. It can create cardio-spasm. Refer Dr. Boericke repertory— Stomach page 768. And you know what it would mean and what it would do? That is the reason the discoverer said “Homoeopathy, doses can be learnt only by experiments and experience.” This is Dr. Hahnemann’s Homoeopathy and not a fun. The main objective is to bring the facts in light and spread awareness about the lapses. I have many more things to share  and to sum up I would say— Never dare to touch Homeopathic preparations, if you do not know it full.
                                                          I have put Argentum Nitricum, many a times, as an example, so that you can develop better understanding of the remedies. All other remedies specially the metal and chemical preparations, are almost equally or even more effective. It is such a beautiful remedy—— One pill  of Argentum  Nitricum 30 can cure six cancer patients.  On the other hand if any one by mistake gives one pill of the remedy to a cancer patient, the cancer will be spread very quickly, uncontrollably and he will be killed soon by the remedy due to the excess quantity. Refer "Expanded work of Dr. Nash"  Preface page number xvii. It states that --The drug capable of curing, misapplied may kill instead of curing. The one pill, which carries virtually no remedy, is a very-very big quantity (200 to 1,000 times more than the required.) and very-very harmful quantity. It would be worth to note that Argentum Nitricum 30 can not cure all types of cancer of every patient. But this remedy will cure all types of cancer of the patient of Argentum Nitricum constitution.
                                                                      Few days back I was answering to few Homeopathic related questions on quora.com. I read that in India, number of Homoeopathic  doctor has doubled in last two decades and Homoeopathy is widely used in India (Maximum in the world). Also 20% people suffer with incurable diseases, India has 25% of the world’s tuberculosis patients and India almost tops in Diabetes cases. That  means homoeopathy is also partially responsible for the spread of diseases. In the fast growing and money making world we see a market, a profession and a business in Homoeopathy, therefore cure is far away. We all collectively have to see a cure in homoeopathy, to realise the wonderful Homoeopathy. Remember, Homeopathic remedies cause harm beyond your imagination.
                                                                                                                                Homoeopathy is not a very good option for profession and quick money. It is a system where dedicated effort is required to cure a patient.  It is  a system for those who love Humanity and love to struggle to cure a patient. If somebody earns money after curing  a patient, no one can have objection to it. But most of the people make money at the cost of patient’s health and life.     
                                                                         In the year 2000, I consulted a Homeopathic doctor for my old heel injury. I had great hope from the doctor because he had highest degree and qualification of Homoeopathy and aged about 50 years. I wept in front of him for cure, because I had lost my job and was at the verge of starving. I consulted him every week for five months. Still I could not be cured. My dear reader you can understand—the effort by a doctor  to cure a case and struggle by the patient to get a cure. 
                                                                                        I started studying  comprehensive and expanded form of Homoeopathy, cured my self and then experimented almost all remedies in different potencies with all my family members to understand Homoeopathy in real sense. We are all suffering from the effect (drug disease) of Homeopathic remedies for past sixteen years, exactly as mentioned in the Materia Medica and Repertory of Dr. Boericke M.D. Now I am putting the real face of Homoeopathy in front of you. Whatever I have mentioned in the blog is all truth and correct and no body can prove it to be wrong. 
                                                                                                            Homoeopathy is not an ordinary system of treatment. It is a science of complex symptoms but we have to develop the art of cure. It has hundreds of steps to go for getting a cure. It hides hundreds of secrets. We need to unfold and  explore all the secrets to get a cure. If some body scores 30% by studying, 30% by experiments and 30% by experience even then he has to score remaining 10%.  In Homoeopathy the symptoms displayed by a patient should not only match the remedy, but  it should replicate so much so that it looks to be one (100%). This remaining 10% score becomes so tough that most of the people do not attempt for it. They forget to claim their 90% score and quit single remedy system. The day some one  quits to follow single remedy system, his score becomes  0%. He is thrown out from real sense of Homoeopathy. But now there is no place for him. Where to go and what to do?. He is forced to use Homeopathic preparations directly for the disease. He starts using the preparations based on the disease. The disease based use of  preparations can never produce Manifestation. And therefore,  the  diseases can never be cured. Please refer Hahnemann’s Organon of the art of healing, restated by Dr. C.A. Baldwin M.D, page number 2,7,11,15,16 and 47. Homoeopathy does not advocate the use of disease based treatments.
                                                                                                                         These  are the reasons there is no control over the disease. The number of patients are increasing day-by-day. The law of cure  prohibits the direct application of preparation for the cure of disease. If the curing principles are not followed, there is hardly any use of Homoeopathy. Remember the  law of Homoeopathy prohibits us from doing disease based treatment. It advocates to eliminate the cause which is capable of creating  several diseases. All I can say is that Homeopathy is almost useless if the curing principles are not followed.  Should you not find a single remedy cure, it is always better to quit Homoeopathy and go for Allopathy treatment. Because disease based treatment  will waste your time and money and harm you beyond your imagination.
                                 I studied Homoeopathy for five years and it took another four years to understand Single remedy system. Refer htysolution.blogspot.com for details. I strongly feel that Homeopathy is very far from teaching and studying. If teaching and studying is sufficient then it must show the result. It must capture the spread of disease. 

Empiricism is a theory in philosophy which states that knowledge can be gained only  or primarily from the sensory experience. Homeopathy is based on this theory. Which means that we can not learn and experience  Homeopathy unless we involve ourself in proving which is extended form of experimenting. It is important to get the sensory experience created by the remedies. We need to read and learn Homoeopathy. Learning is more important than reading. Cycling, driving a loaded truck and swimming are examples which demands  learning more than reading. Our  ultimate requirement is to develop the art of cure. It is due to this reason, i have mentioned that Homeopathy is a science of complex symptoms but we need to develop the art of cure. 

Although, i never suggest  involving in deep proving especially the longer and deeper acting remedies, because it may endanger the life of the prover.  

                                                                               The blog is an attempt by me to spread awareness and encourage people to avoid harmful disease based treatment and follow single remedy system of Homoeopathy to get an absolute cure. I never, for God sake, like to attract controversies or earn cheap popularities. I never intend to pin point somebody and that is the reason, I have never mentioned any name. 
Long live the name of the discoverer, Dr. Hahnemann.


  1. Dear Sir, Have barged into your blog from Quora. Have been following this medication for past 8 years for entire family from A to Z just use homeopathy. Any viral or what ever it is .. Not used any allopathic drugs :(.. Unfortunately post reading your blog it is a bit confusing whether it is right to use homeopathy as in long term you are stating it is dangerous. Used to go to one doctor for my kid for tonsils it never got cure she is not infectious always but the her throat always has those lumps from inside and she always has nasal secrition.. All suggested surgery but I followed homeopathy.. Unfortunately she is not cured even today is almost 5-6 years we have been going to one doc after trying multiple doc. He was a very good doc in chennai. He died recently and in a confusion my life started to search for doc .. As I dont get confidence in Homeo :( But we use homeopathy for everything :(

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Am tracy by name,from Germany, i was diagnosed with Herpes for 6years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw mrs neme amber post on how Dr Emmanuel saved him from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr Emmanuel on his email address: nativehealthclinic@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2348140073965 we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 18days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest woman on earth now. this testimony .is real.thanks to Dr Emmanuel God bless you...
      He also cured,Genital herpesGenital wattHIV/aidsCancerDiabetesHPVBrain tumorEx back love spellhttps://www.facebook.com/Dr_Emmanuel9-105748441179562/

  2. Sir thanks a lot for responding. Am bit confused was reading the other blog also . Are you saying homeopathy in one form or other will give great benefit and also damage :( .. We have constantly using so at certain age my entire family will get sick as the dose will start acting when leaving the body etc .., Very worried now sir :(

  3. Sir, I have read your post.and now I m confirmed that I m also victim of ill effects of homeopathy. Recently I had been admitted in ICU for 2 days for severe bronchospasm for unidentified reason. I m under treatment of homeopath since last 9 years who practice classical homeopathy. But I'm struggling through it very much.i need to talk you and need little help.

  4. Replies
    1. Hi aniket how r u now?plz share ur email..

  5. The blog was quite informative. If you want to be treated with homoeopathy, visit Dr. Sonal’s homeopathy clinic.
