I AM NOT A DOCTOR. The content in this blog is based on my extended studies, experiment and experience. and no one in the world can prove the findings to be wrong. Please refer htysolution.blogspot.com, htyremedies.blogspot.com,htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 26 December 2017


                                                     REMEDIES CAN CAUSE DEATH

Homeopathic remedies can harm beyond imagination if abused. It can cause death if over used. Refer "Expanded work of Dr. E.B.Nash"  Preface page number xvii. It states that --The drug capable of curing, misapplied may kill instead of curing. 

At the same time, Single remedy system of Homeopathy is the law of cure and it is the only system in the world to remove the infection/casue of the disease and offer disease free life. It can cure cancer, kidney disease, diabetes and almost all diseases. But we need to follow the law of cure, which is a very difficult task. 
That means it is up to us to learn and use it for cure. 

Let us see the latest FDA report---
It hasn't been a great year for advocates of homeopathy – a pseudoscience that has been practiced for over 200 years. Following on from authorities in the European Union, United Kingdom and Australia cracking down on homeopathic treatments, the FDA is proposing a new "risk-based enforcement approach" promising greater scrutiny of the massive US$3-billion-dollar industry.
While homeopathic drugs should be regulated in the same way as any other drug, the FDA created a special dispensation in 1988 allowing homeopathic drugs to be distributed in the US without regular approval. As times changed so did alternative medicine markets, and the recent FDA announcement now recognizes that what may have been a small fringe community 30 years ago, is now a major billion-dollar industry, and greater oversight could be necessary.

"In recent years, we've seen a large uptick in products labeled as homeopathic that are being marketed for a wide array of diseases and conditions, from the common cold to cancer," says FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb. "In many cases, people may be placing their trust and money in therapies that may bring little to no benefit in combating serious ailments, or worse – that may cause significant and even irreparable harm because the products are poorly manufactured, or contain active ingredients that aren't adequately tested or disclosed to patients."
The announcement is most certainly spurred on by the discovery in late 2016 of dangerous levels of a toxic substance called belladonna in a brand of homeopathic teething tablets. In the years leading up to this product's ultimate discontinuation there were over 400 adverse events reported and up to 10 deaths potentially related to this homeopathic remedy.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is also turning its sights on homeopathy, announcing in late 2016 that any health-related claims made by a product must be backed up by scientific evidence. The FTC claims it will be increasing scrutiny into homeopathic marketing that doesn't clearly add the disclaimer that any health benefits, "are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts."
Over the last 12 months, several regulatory bodies around the world have turned their focus on the field of homeopathy. In September, the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) released an expansive set of recommendations suggesting that public health bodies in the European Union should not reimburse homeopathic products.
EASAC cites numerous studies suggesting not only has homeopathy been effectively discredited time and time again, but that the field also presents dangers to patients by potentially delaying more robust and proven medical treatments. The advisory council sharply concluded its report quoting an influential study from 1998 on the risks of untested and unregulated medicines: "There cannot be two kinds of medicine – conventional and alternative. There is only medicine that has been adequately tested and medicine that has not …"
Both Australia and the United Kingdom also set out to scrap any public subsidies for homeopathic treatments in 2017. The chief executive of the National Health Service England described homeopathy as, "at best a placebo and a misuse of scarce NHS funds."

Despite 2017 at times feeling like a year where an anti-science sentiment was stridently taking hold, it is good to know that common sense can still prevail, and while those who choose to treat water as medicine are still entirely free to do so, it's reassuring that governments and public health bodies are not supporting the large-scale spread of misinformation.



Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Single remedy-The only way

                                                       Single remedy-- The only way.

Necessity is the mother of invention. If allopathy can cure diseases, there is no point to switch over to some other system. It is quick, result oriented, with scientific cause and with proof of pathological tests. If we take pain killer for headache, the headache disappears and it becomes a proof that it works. No body thinks that if it is done for longer time, the number of tablets will be  increased. If it  is continued for longer-longer time, we  fall prey to some more diseases and the  number of medicines also increases. A human looks for some other system, when it does not offer relief and fails to treat.
Remember, treatment and cure are two different things. Allopathy treats a disease, cure is not their subject. Allopathic medicines are based on the disease. Allopathy treats cancer after it is detected. Single remedy system of homeopathy prevents it.
Single remedy system of Homeopathy is the only system in the world, which recognises the natural cause of diseases. It removes the root cause of the diseases and offers complete and permanent cure. It aborts the diseases before it appears. 

Single remedy system of Homeopathy is the only system in the world which produces manifestation. 
Manifestation is the favourable symptom produced by the remedy. It indicates the suitability of the remedy for the case in hand. If manifestation is produced, we can be sure of getting cure. And never to fall sick again.
If the patient falls sick again, due to some reason, the same constitutional remedy can be used to cure diseases. That means the constitutional remedy, which was used now, can be used in future as well. The constitution of the patient never changes, so is the constitutional remedy. The constitutional remedy of the patient never changes and can be used to cure almost all the diseases. 

It works with proof.
Following is the proof and advantages of  single remedy cure-
(1) The only system to remove cause of the disease and offer complete cure. The suitable remedy produces manifestation.  The produced manifestation indicates that the remedy is suitable and that it will cure all the diseases. This is the only system in the world which indicates suitability of the remedy in terms of manifestation. read—htysolution.blogsopt.com,htyremedies.blogspot.com
(2) No medicine required. Medicine free life.
(3) Disease free life.
(4) Never to fall sick again. If you fall sick again unfortunately due to some reason, the same constitutional remedy which cured you now, will cure you in future also. That means the constitutional remedy, which is used according to single remedy system, remains the same for entire of your life. It never changes. It can be used for almost all the diseases. Our body structure, colour and human characteristics etc. remain the same for entire of our life and so is the constitutional remedy.
(5) The body weight is maintained automatically and exactly according to the body-mass index.
(6) You remain happy from within.
(7) You feel delighted all the 24 hours. You do not walk on the earth but literally 5 feet above the ground level.
(8) you look beautiful- In what ever shape and colour you have been blessed, it becomes beautiful. It is a very pleasing surprise to me to see people becoming beautiful after getting single remedy cure. The beauty is not simple, it is striking beauty which compels others to say that you look beautiful for your age. No one can look so beautiful naturally, without single remedy cure. Single remedy system is a beautiful system and the followers become beautiful.
(9) The allergy and hereditary causes are expelled out from the body which no other system can ever do.
(10) You save your precious time and money.
(11) Your life expectancy is increased.
(12) The Single remedy system removes the natural cause of the disease and offers disease-free life.
(13) The remedies offer cure only if used correctly. The misuse can harm beyond imagination and further misuse can kill.
(14) Single remedy system of Homoeopathy can be used successfully to predict and forecast the future disease.

(15) Failure to cure is our failure. Single remedy system of Homeopathy never fails. 

The blog is neither a request nor an appeal, neither an invitation nor an advice. The blog purely aims to educate people, explain the real sense of Homoeopathy and save the human from mistreatment and subsequent harm.

Monday, 17 April 2017

                           General Homoeopathy          (Treatment)
                                  Real Homoeopathy 
             Disease based treatment          Cause of the disease based cure
             Remedies selected immediately         after case taking          May take months to years in selecting right remedy
             Homeopathic remedies           Homeopathic constitutional remedies.
              Not according to law of cure            According to law of cure
             Many remedies ( Single remedy system not followed), No manifestation             Only one remedy, called single remedy    cure, Perfect manifestation.
              Nominal charge            Heavy charge
             Need to take remedies  regularly          Cure once for ever
             Every chance of killer disease in future           No chance of falling sick
             Person looks normal           Person looks beautiful irrespective of age.
              Life with medicine           Medicine free life
               Your choice             Your choice

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Make and Brand

                                                       Make  and Brand

There are different companies involved in making Homeopathic remedies. Remedies are available in different make and Brand. Once I was in Europe (Greece). I bought Arnica 200 for my injury. I felt that it gave the same benefit but seemed to be more effective. Since that time I decided to use only one make and brand in my practice. I maintain the same today. While reading and learning about the metal and chemical preparations, we will realise it’s importance. As such these preparations  are very strong and difficult to handle. If we stick  to one brand and practice, it will be easier to estimate effectiveness and the working duration (periodicity). A remedy may be required to be repeated. And it should be repeated only if the effect of previous remedy is totally exhausted. At that time it becomes imminent to know the working duration of a remedy in certain potency and in certain quantity. 
                            On the other hand If you use different brand, there are complications as well. In Homoeopathy all the remedies look almost similar. So the marking on the bottle must be made with due care. The name and potency must be written clearly. It is unfortunate that few people do not recognise the difference between 12 and 30 potency or between 30 and 200 potency. They think that if one potency is not available the other can be used as a substitute. In practice the difference between 30 and 200 potency is just like Earth and Sky. Such assumptions may be very-very harmful. As a practitioner we may have to consider the commercial aspect, but our priority should always be given to the Cure.  

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Can Homoeopathy be taught?


                                                                         Can Homoeopathy be taught?

It is quite obvious that nothing happens without teaching and nothing works without studying as well. Theory is the base of all our knowledge. Principles of Homeopathy as taught by  Dr. Hahnemann—by Dr Boericke M.D.  page number  51 and 72, states that Homeopathy, doses can be determined by experiment and experience. It further says—Experience alone can teach which will bring about the best results in any given case. I interpret it as “Homeopathy , doses can not be taught”. But before this we will try to understand what prompted the discoverer to say that? He said it because of the fact that Homoeopathy is far from teaching and studying. We have many-many doctors but the disease is on rise. The number  of patients are increasing day-by-day. In India, 20% people suffer from incurable diseases according to the latest record. The world figure may be different.  This indicates that Homeopathy is not used as expected. The law of cure is not followed strictly. Should we follow the law of  cure, the number of patients can never increase at this rate. The only problem in following the curing principles is that it needs lot of practice. It needs in-depth knowledge of Homoeopathy. A doctor can not attend to hundreds of patients daily . With lesser patients  his earning will reduce. 
                                                    Homoeopathy in real sense, is not a system to provide  disease based treatment. We need to find the cause of diseases and a suitable remedy to eliminate the cause. This process needs time. The doctor and the patient both should have patience to follow the curing principles. If any one of these two looses the patience, the single remedy cure can not be achieved. In this regard the patient and the doctor, both are dependant on each other. Both need each other and therefore a understanding has to be developed. 
                                                     Once I was in a medical store to buy some remedies. A young man also bought some remedies which included Argentum Nitricum 200. Having Seen this, I took my remedies and was waiting out side the store for the man to come out. After some time the man came out of the store. I asked him excuse me what is your name and your profession? He replied I am a Homeopathic  doctor. I then asked him - do you know that Homoeoapthic remedies are very harmful and has killing effect if misapplied. To the surprise for all of us today he replied “No, I do not know. No body has taught me this. You are the first person I heard this.” It may be only a surprise for many others and for that doctor, but upon hearing this I got  a shock. I became  very sad to hear him. He developed some interest in conversation so I continued. I asked “ Have you ever used Argentum nitricum 200. His reply was NO”. I informed him about myself and said Argentum Nitricum 30 is capable of curing every diseases including cancer. I have cured chronic case of colitis by 30th potency and I found it to be very-very strong.  We never need to use it in 200 potency. The potency 200 is very-very strong and dangerous to use. It may be required only for the  purpose of experimentation. Even during the experimentation of such strong and powerful remedies, we ought to be very careful.  It can damage our organ. It can cause permanent disability. Even Dr. Boericke recommended to use only 3rd to 30th potency of this remedy. This is a true story and represents the knowledge of teaching and studying. My biggest worry is that if such powerful remedies are used without knowledge and care, then only God knows the result. It can create cardio-spasm. Refer Dr. Boericke repertory— Stomach page 768. And you know what it would mean and what it would do? That is the reason the discoverer said “Homoeopathy, doses can be learnt only by experiments and experience.” This is Dr. Hahnemann’s Homoeopathy and not a fun. The main objective is to bring the facts in light and spread awareness about the lapses. I have many more things to share  and to sum up I would say— Never dare to touch Homeopathic preparations, if you do not know it full.
                                                          I have put Argentum Nitricum, many a times, as an example, so that you can develop better understanding of the remedies. All other remedies specially the metal and chemical preparations, are almost equally or even more effective. It is such a beautiful remedy—— One pill  of Argentum  Nitricum 30 can cure six cancer patients.  On the other hand if any one by mistake gives one pill of the remedy to a cancer patient, the cancer will be spread very quickly, uncontrollably and he will be killed soon by the remedy due to the excess quantity. Refer "Expanded work of Dr. Nash"  Preface page number xvii. It states that --The drug capable of curing, misapplied may kill instead of curing. The one pill, which carries virtually no remedy, is a very-very big quantity (200 to 1,000 times more than the required.) and very-very harmful quantity. It would be worth to note that Argentum Nitricum 30 can not cure all types of cancer of every patient. But this remedy will cure all types of cancer of the patient of Argentum Nitricum constitution.
                                                                      Few days back I was answering to few Homeopathic related questions on quora.com. I read that in India, number of Homoeopathic  doctor has doubled in last two decades and Homoeopathy is widely used in India (Maximum in the world). Also 20% people suffer with incurable diseases, India has 25% of the world’s tuberculosis patients and India almost tops in Diabetes cases. That  means homoeopathy is also partially responsible for the spread of diseases. In the fast growing and money making world we see a market, a profession and a business in Homoeopathy, therefore cure is far away. We all collectively have to see a cure in homoeopathy, to realise the wonderful Homoeopathy. Remember, Homeopathic remedies cause harm beyond your imagination.
                                                                                                                                Homoeopathy is not a very good option for profession and quick money. It is a system where dedicated effort is required to cure a patient.  It is  a system for those who love Humanity and love to struggle to cure a patient. If somebody earns money after curing  a patient, no one can have objection to it. But most of the people make money at the cost of patient’s health and life.     
                                                                         In the year 2000, I consulted a Homeopathic doctor for my old heel injury. I had great hope from the doctor because he had highest degree and qualification of Homoeopathy and aged about 50 years. I wept in front of him for cure, because I had lost my job and was at the verge of starving. I consulted him every week for five months. Still I could not be cured. My dear reader you can understand—the effort by a doctor  to cure a case and struggle by the patient to get a cure. 
                                                                                        I started studying  comprehensive and expanded form of Homoeopathy, cured my self and then experimented almost all remedies in different potencies with all my family members to understand Homoeopathy in real sense. We are all suffering from the effect (drug disease) of Homeopathic remedies for past sixteen years, exactly as mentioned in the Materia Medica and Repertory of Dr. Boericke M.D. Now I am putting the real face of Homoeopathy in front of you. Whatever I have mentioned in the blog is all truth and correct and no body can prove it to be wrong. 
                                                                                                            Homoeopathy is not an ordinary system of treatment. It is a science of complex symptoms but we have to develop the art of cure. It has hundreds of steps to go for getting a cure. It hides hundreds of secrets. We need to unfold and  explore all the secrets to get a cure. If some body scores 30% by studying, 30% by experiments and 30% by experience even then he has to score remaining 10%.  In Homoeopathy the symptoms displayed by a patient should not only match the remedy, but  it should replicate so much so that it looks to be one (100%). This remaining 10% score becomes so tough that most of the people do not attempt for it. They forget to claim their 90% score and quit single remedy system. The day some one  quits to follow single remedy system, his score becomes  0%. He is thrown out from real sense of Homoeopathy. But now there is no place for him. Where to go and what to do?. He is forced to use Homeopathic preparations directly for the disease. He starts using the preparations based on the disease. The disease based use of  preparations can never produce Manifestation. And therefore,  the  diseases can never be cured. Please refer Hahnemann’s Organon of the art of healing, restated by Dr. C.A. Baldwin M.D, page number 2,7,11,15,16 and 47. Homoeopathy does not advocate the use of disease based treatments.
                                                                                                                         These  are the reasons there is no control over the disease. The number of patients are increasing day-by-day. The law of cure  prohibits the direct application of preparation for the cure of disease. If the curing principles are not followed, there is hardly any use of Homoeopathy. Remember the  law of Homoeopathy prohibits us from doing disease based treatment. It advocates to eliminate the cause which is capable of creating  several diseases. All I can say is that Homeopathy is almost useless if the curing principles are not followed.  Should you not find a single remedy cure, it is always better to quit Homoeopathy and go for Allopathy treatment. Because disease based treatment  will waste your time and money and harm you beyond your imagination.
                                 I studied Homoeopathy for five years and it took another four years to understand Single remedy system. Refer htysolution.blogspot.com for details. I strongly feel that Homeopathy is very far from teaching and studying. If teaching and studying is sufficient then it must show the result. It must capture the spread of disease. 

Empiricism is a theory in philosophy which states that knowledge can be gained only  or primarily from the sensory experience. Homeopathy is based on this theory. Which means that we can not learn and experience  Homeopathy unless we involve ourself in proving which is extended form of experimenting. It is important to get the sensory experience created by the remedies. We need to read and learn Homoeopathy. Learning is more important than reading. Cycling, driving a loaded truck and swimming are examples which demands  learning more than reading. Our  ultimate requirement is to develop the art of cure. It is due to this reason, i have mentioned that Homeopathy is a science of complex symptoms but we need to develop the art of cure. 

Although, i never suggest  involving in deep proving especially the longer and deeper acting remedies, because it may endanger the life of the prover.  

                                                                               The blog is an attempt by me to spread awareness and encourage people to avoid harmful disease based treatment and follow single remedy system of Homoeopathy to get an absolute cure. I never, for God sake, like to attract controversies or earn cheap popularities. I never intend to pin point somebody and that is the reason, I have never mentioned any name. 
Long live the name of the discoverer, Dr. Hahnemann.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

The Age Factor

                                              The age factor
The Homoeopathic remedies act differently depending on the age. So it becomes  very important to consider the age while selecting remedy and it’s potency. A few guide lines are as follows—
(1) For new born (Infant) and up to five years of age—Utmost care should be taken to use the remedy. Only tincture and lowest potency in much-much diluted form, in minimum quantity should be used. The remedies can cause too much harm in  such a tender age.
(2) For children form 5 to 10 years of age group— A little explanation from the child may be possible. The use is restricted to lower potency and diluted form.
(3) For 10 to 20 years age group-Few symptoms are quite clear. in general , we should not use higher potency or too much quantity in children. In this age the tissues are tender and in the growing stage. It can cause harm to their growth. It can cause damage to their eye sight. It can cause harm to their tender nerves.
(4) For adult between 20 to 40 years of age—Most of the symptoms must be clear by now. Remedies can be used as required and can be least harmful due to higher susceptibility and strength.But it can cause harm  if used carelessly. If you give five pill of a strong remedy. It will work for about 15 (5x3) years in age group of 20 t0 30 years. But if the patient’s age is 40 years, the remedy will work till 57 years of his age. 
(5) Age group 40 to 50 years- Be careful in use. This is the time the vital organs will start getting trouble. All the potencies can be used in minimum quantity.
(6) Age group 50 to 60 years— Avoid using high potency. Be careful. Go for a wider aspect of thought. The degeneration of cells has already started.This reduces the human capacity to bear the strength of Homoeopathic remedies. 
(7) Age group 60 to 70 years- Never use high potency. Never use much quantity.It is not required. The patient can not bear the deep action of the remedy. One should never fall sick at this age. It indicates that he has never been treated according to the curing principles of Homeopathy before. The patient should have opted for Homoeopathy long ago. But the constitutional remedies can be tried out at any age and in  any stage with great-great care only. I am very sure that the constitutional remedy can cover every disease. Remember even the micro quantity tends to create big distress and works for longer duration of time. You need to be expert in dealing with the remedies. If the quantity is more, the distress is big. To control the distress, you need to give some other remedy as an antidote. If the quantity of antidote is more, few more sufferings will be added. To control these suffering, you need to give some other antidote. The case gets further spoiled. I will mention the suitable quantity of each remedy, while writing about the remedies.
(8) Age 80 and above— Treatment is very difficult. Take all the possible care. Even the lower potency and micro quantity will work for longer-longer  duration of time. Most of the patient can not bear the strength of Homeopathic remedies. With the increasing age, the susceptibility reduces. The organs become weak.

                                   Even the lower potency and micro quantity tends to work deeper and for longer duration of time in children, aged and weak patients. Take care.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

For the cause of humanity

                                                                   For the cause of Humanity
Dr. Hahnemann was an incarnation of God to gift homoeopathy to the human being for the cause of humanity. He is immortal and will remain so for ever.
                                                                                                You may be surprised to know that there is absolutely no cure for any disease in Allopathy. Every disease in Allopathy is treated and suppressed. Every time it is suppressed, it goes more inner and more deeper, day-by-day, little-by-little, causing more severe situation. When suppressed for longer time (10 t0 20 years), even Allopathy can not suppress it any more. Be clever, do not let this situation come. 
                                        Remember treatment and cure are two different things. In Allopathy, the disease is treated but the cause of the disease remains dormant in the body. This makes a human to fall sick again-and-again. The only system  that can give absolute cure is “ Single remedy system of Homoeopathy”
                                                                                                  Are you falling sick time and again, every now and then? Have a closed look of your medical history and suffering details. You will find that your present sickness is the cause of infection, which entered your body long back, which must have been treated but never got cured. If you are falling sick again-and-again or suffering regularly—

  1. Think why and 
  2. The way out
                            Stop getting yourself mistreated. Adopt Single remedy system of homoeopathy. It is unfortunate to note that most of the homeopaths do not follow the curing principles strictly. That is  the reason, Homoeopathy is loosing it’s ground. The question right here in your mind must be that “Why a homoeopath does not follow the curing principles”. The answer right here is that it is a complex system of getting cure.
                                             Killers like Cancer, Paralysis, Diabetes, Heart ailments, Kidney disorder, Blood pressure etc, to name a few, are never an independent diseases. In most of the cases, it is the reflex and most aggravated form of the previous infection, which remained hidden in the body and never got cured.
             Remember Jaundice, Measles, Chicken pox, Cholera, Malaria, Chronic skin disease, Tuberculosis and severe injury etc. are incurable. If a human has ever suffered these diseases, he keeps falling sick due to the infection. An infection can cause many diseases but it can never be cured in many ways. The one and only one way to cure the infection is to follow “Single remedy system of Homoeopathy”. You may find very good Allopath doctor but it is rare to find a good Homoeopath. In Allopathy ten medicines for ten diseases. In single remedy system, the homoeopath has to find out one Single remedy for ten diseases. Remember a homoeopath has to struggle a lot  and the patient has to bear a lot to get cure according to single remedy system. This system is never optional. This is the only system to offer complete cure. Let  all of us  follow the single remedy system to turn the dream of the discoverer true to make it a disease-free earth or else minimise the suffering.
                                                                                 Remember, Allopathy is quick, but it costs you heavy. Homoeopathy may be little time taking, but it pays you heavy. If you happen to fortunately get a cure, according to Single remedy system of Homoeopathy—You will realise, Life  was never so beautiful.  It’s your life, it’s your choice. Long live the name of Dr. Hahnemann.

Monday, 13 February 2017

The Prognosis

                                                                           The prognosis
Homoeopathy can be used to forecast the disease in a patient. I have already mentioned that diseases are nothing but the  natural symptoms of an infection dormant in the human’s body. Once the root cause of the sufferings is known and the suitable constitutional remedy is found, the forecast of disease is just an easy task. It is because of the fact that a remedy follows it’s own course of creating diseases if repeated regularly and on the other hand the  infection keeps creating diseases till such time it is cured and removed in totality. The course is already proved and mentioned in MM and Repertory.  We should be able to read and interpret  the course of diseases. The infection grows inner and deeper with time and that is the reason the disease is more serious in the later stage.  We need to expertise the art of single remedy system for forecast and cure as well.  If the root cause of the suffering is ascertained and the one single  remedy is selected for the case in hand, the patient can be cured of all his sufferings. On the other hand if a patient does not get  cure according to  single remedy system, he is bound to suffer from the set of diseases as mentioned in MM and Repertory. The disease will keep growing until and unless the required remedy is given. The cure can be achieved only by that single remedy. There is no substitute of the single remedy system. Forecast and the prediction of disease is bound to happen and come true, in future. This is sure to happen as mentioned in MM and repertory.  If ten in number diseases are forecast, all the ten diseases will occur but the sequence of the disease can not be ascertained because it will depend on the infection, the remedy and the patient.
                                                                                                                       It is a soft science and teaches us to cure the cause of the disease. It indicates that the approach to the cause should be soft and well defined.  This is  a science where every thing is in it’s natural form. This  is the science for which there can not be any alternate. Either take the remedy in time or face the course of diseases. All other systems follow the disease but single remedy system of Homeopathy is ahead of it.  All other systems treat a disease but single remedy system of Homoeopathy can abort the possibilities of the disease taking place. It does not allow the infection to develop and grow. It eliminates the infection from root. 
                                                                                                           Nature does not provide only our birth but  every thing for our survival as well. It also provides remedies for restoring our health. Lastly the nature becomes the very cause of our destruction as well. It is up to us to discover every thing the nature offers. Therefore, it is important to remain attached to the nature. Every thing that is not visible is stronger  than the thing that is subtle and visible. Eggs and sperms are not visible but make unique creatures. Air is not visible but the very need of our survival. God is not visible but controls the whole universe. Atom is not visible but can destroy. Homoeopathic remedies have no visible medicines in side, but only and only one single remedy can cure the diseases form root. Every thing has it’s cause. The cause is the cause of effect. Do not run after the effect. Diseases are effects and  the hidden infection is the cause. Effect will remain until and unless the cause is eliminated. Develop the skill to understand the cause, most of the problems will be solved by itself. So is the cause, so is the disease. Simple.

                                To forecast the disease, the only way in the world is the Single remedy system of Homoeopathy. To cure  diseases completely, the only way in the world, is the Single remedy system of Homoeopathy. The remedy will follow it's own course, in absence of the remedy. Where as if the remedy is given, this will eliminate the cause of the disease. Great science. Long live the name of Dr. Hahnemann.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

The second opinion

                                                                                         The second opinion
If a patient does not get relief, benefit or  a desired result, he opts to consult other doctor. That means he likes to change the doctor in a hope to get better treatment. It is the patient’s right  and not a bad idea as well. Many a times it has been experienced that after changing the doctor, a patient gets better treatment. It may also be possible that the patient consults a specialist  or some other doctor, better than the previous one. It is quite possible that the patient gets better treatment after changing the doctor. This is all true and mainly depends on the seriousness of the case. This is concerned to Allopathy.

                                                          In the system of Homoeopathy also, the patient is equally free to change the Homoeopath any time he desires. But here, the situation is little different. A Homoeopathic remedy works for longer-longer time and the remedies have very close relationship with each other and amongst one another. In a situation like this, it becomes not only important but a rule to inform his choice/will to change the Homoeopath. It is in favour of the patient and the homeopath as well. In turn the Homoeopath will consider the situation of the case and advice accordingly. In most of the cases, a Homoeopath will need to neutralise the effect of previous remedy by giving some suitable antidote. Remember, it may take even one year or more to neutralise the effect of previous remedy. Please refer case study, pages to come. After the remedy's action is controlled and neutralised fully, only then, the homoeopath should set the patient free to consult some other doctor or Homoeopath. It reminds us that these two systems are totally different in this regard. I have seen numerous cases spoiled by Homoeopaths. Adamant use of the remedy was made, which caused the so called ‘Drug disease’  and the patient had to suffer for years and decades. I can tell with guarantee that Nitric acid 30 -1/30 of a pill ( 1/30 of a pill), worked for about 5 years. If some body uses  one pill of this remedy by mistake then first of all he will become blind with almost no vision (Myopia). The remedy will cause him  to fall sick for 30x5= 150 years.  This alone example should be sufficient to answer all your questions. That is the reason I always say “ Never dare to touch Homoeopathic preparation unless you know it full” . I am sure that this example will not be able to cure even one case but it will certainly  save many-many people from the ill effects of the Homoeopathic remedies. The Homeopathic remedies do not posses any medicinal substance but it causes “Harm beyond you ever thought”. It is unfortunate if somebody does not believe this. I am here to promote "The true and correct". Be informed. 

Saturday, 4 February 2017

What to do when

                                                                  What to do when?  
“What to do when”  has been brought to you  as a help. It is not by rule but an experience only. It is an information and does not request or force any body  for taking a decision.
 (1) Cancer- Generally uncontrollable production of epithelial cells is called cancer. Cell destruction and cell division is natural but very complicated process. The cells grow, divide and die. This is a natural and an orderly process. This orderly process is controlled by Genes. Any disturbance in this orderly process  may point  to some genetic or DNA related disorders. Cancer is the name given to a collection of related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of the body’s cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues. Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells. Normally, human cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old or become damaged, they die, and new cells take their place. If cancer develops, this orderly process breaks down. As cells become more and more abnormal, old or damaged cells survive when they should die, and new cells form when they are not needed. These extra cells can divide without stopping and may form growths called tumours. The tumours may be benign or malignant. The benign tumours  may be large, but after removal they usually do not grow back.  They do not spread into, or invade, nearby tissues. They are considered to be harmless. Unlike most benign tumours elsewhere in the body, benign brain tumours can be life threatening.
                                                                          Cancerous tumours are malignant, which means they can spread into, or invade, nearby tissues. In addition, as these tumours grow, some cancer cells can break off and travel to distant places in the body through the blood or the lymph system and form new tumours far from the original tumour. This is called Metastasis.
                                                                   Many cancers form solid tumours, which are masses of tissue but Cancers of the blood, such as leukemias, generally do not form solid tumours. There are around one hundred types of cancer. Major categories  are as follows:
  1. Sarcomas- They originate in muscles, fibrous tissues and  fats, known as soft tissue cancer. This may be in bone as well as in cartilages. 
  2. Leukemias- is the cancer of blood cells.
  3. Lymphomas- It effects the lymphatic system.
  4. Carcinomas- This is most common and around 80% cancers are carcinomas.  This arises and develops in organs such as breast, stomach, colon, prostrate and skin cancers etc.
  5. Others- There are few types of skin cancers and brain tumours etc. 
                           If millions of cells are produced, we keep killing millions of cells. The therapy used to kill the cells by chemical substances is called chemotherapy. The medicine is strong and the side effect is much stronger.  In most of the cases the patient dies of the medicine. The patient dies of chemo. Second option is surgery and radiation.
                                                                                                               Adopt single remedy cure of Homeopathy in time, this stage will never come. And even if this stage comes, one can be cured. Better to approach in early stage. Single remedy system of Homoeopathy can cure it in any stage. A patient may take much time to find a Homoeopath who can follow single remedy cure and the Homeopath may take much more time to choose the right remedy. The time taken by the Homoeopath may be too late for the patient. Ready doctors, ready hospitals and the ready medicine—- the formula does not apply in single remedy system of homeopathy. There is no fixed remedy for an infection and disease. There is no fixed pattern for treating the  patients. Here it is like different patient, different search and different remedy. It is not a tailored system. The single remedy system of Homeopathy is system for search. New patient, new search. But once found it will accomplish complete cure for whole life. I read in prestigious magazine “India Today dated 22 feb. 2010” quoted as —“In cancer, some problems can be solved, some can’t be, and some can’t be solved  yet. But hope for a cure is definitely on the cards. Sums up Dr. G.K Nath, Chief of the Rotary cancer hospital, at All India Institute of medical sciences.(AIIMS) Delhi.”  It further quotes “ The idea of “cure” calls for a definition. A majority of cancers recur in the first two-three years of diagnosis and hence a five-year survival has traditionally been equated with cure, says Dr. R. A. Badwe, director of Tata Memorial Hospital & cancer research Institute (TMC) Mumbai.
                                                                       The survival for about five year, after the cancer is discovered, is equated with cure.  I do not agree to this equation at all. How can you equate like this? It is not fair and I strongly oppose this definition.The cure should be equated only with cure and nothing else. Perhaps, Allopathy does not know the definition  of cure. Allopathy should never talk of cure. Cure is never their subject. Their subject is treatment based on disease. Allopathy follows the disease. In turn, it  suppresses the infection which caused cancer. This is the reason, the cancer reoccurs or some other diseases  follow. Dr. C. A. Baldwin MD writes in his book "Hahnemann's Organon of the art of healing, restated, page no 6" as follows- "The drug selected as a remedial agent by the allopathic method, does not act curatively, but sets up opposite or contrary symptoms, which temporarily relieves the sick symptoms or ultimately suppresses or complicates them but never cures them." 
            The science and doctors should be highly appreciated for their achievement in the field of medicine and surgery.  But their approach directly to the disease does not yield good results. On the other hand, homoeopathy offers magical cure due to it’s approach towards the cause of cancer. Homoeopathy advocates for the removal of the cause of cancer instead of treating the cancer directly.                                           
                                                   This infection which caused cancer can be removed out from the body by only and only single remedy system. Be warned the Single remedy system is rarely available, because it is not simply achieved. It is a very-very difficult task to follow single remedy system. Single remedy system can cure the infection and there after a human will never suffer with any disease. If you are cured according to  single remedy system of Homoeopathy, only then you can realise the virtues  of  homoeopathy and not other wise. I am disease-free today and I will remain so. I will write  more about it in remedies pages and case study. 

(2) Formation of stone in the  gal bladder  or Kidney—Formation of stone takes place only when the infection has been suppressed by different medicines(Probably strong ones) for longer-longer time. Depending upon the seriousness we must consult a doctor soonest possible. In most of the cases surgery is suggested for  removal of the stone. After removal of the stone your brain exercise must start. It is already too late. Does the bile have  natural property? Is the Liver function normal? You must consult a Homoeopath who can cure you according to single remedy cure. Remember it is rare to get a single remedy cure but you have to find it. The removal of stone is a treatment. The cause of stone formation is still hiding in your body. The proof for infection hiding in your body is with you. You will find that even after the removal of stone, some or other problem always exists. you will never feel disease free from within.The infection in your body has moved in, so much so to cause Liver to produce defective bile.  The cause must be removed at the earliest, other wise stone formation is not the end. The stone will be reformed or the gal bladder removal may be required. It is also possible that the infection will change it’s place and cause some other disease. The next disease could be more dangerous.  I have seen many cases of paralysis attack after stone formation and subsequent  removal.
                                                                                                          Similar is the case with kidney stone. The blood composition, functioning of kidney is in question. 

(3) Diabetes— Refer htysolution.blogspot.com, diabetes page.

(4) jaundice—It is a very common disease. Take precaution. Stop taking heavy food. Never take sweets. After the treatment for jaundice, take precaution, reoccurrence is dangerous. Do not be in an illusion that the Jaundice has been cured and you do not need any medicine further. I got case of swelling in the feet. I found the history of jaundice 10 years before the feet swelling. I gave a right remedy according to Single remedy system. His feet swelling and all other sufferings got cured. I concluded  that all his suffering was due to the infection of Jaundice. 

(5) Tuberculosis- Oh my God! The whole science and the whole world is after this disease. Let us see the report from Hindustan times news paper. Dr. Samidha Khandre, 24, died of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). According to Maharashtra association of Resident doctors (MARD) 21 resident doctors are being treated for drug-resistant TB.  Hindustan Times dated 25 January 2017, reports — Latest anti T.B drug (Bedaquiline, first new drug in 40 years) has  no effect on Govandi (A suburb  in Mumbai)  teen.  Allopathy has plenty of medicines for this disease. Non is effective. None can cure. The side effect of the drug is very harmful. 
                                                                                      Search for a Homoeopath who can give you Single remedy cure. Homoeopathy  can cure tuberculosis and eradicate it from root. The cure starts the moment remedy  touches the tongue. But you will take lot of time to search for a homeopath, who can cure it. And Homoeopath will take lot of time to select the right remedy. The lag is on the part of Homoeopath and therefore Homoeopathy should not be blamed. Single remedy system of homoeopathy is a wonder but it is never an easy task to select the right remedy. Homoeopathy is a vast science of symptoms. Few symptoms are clear and few symptoms are not clear and few are related symptoms. These need to be interpreted and made clear. To interpret the symptoms, we need to have expanded study of Homoeopathy. Experience and experiments are the only way to learn this art. As we go more deeper in the minute symptoms, the Homoeopathy grows more vast. The selection of the right remedy becomes tough. 

                                                                                                       I see a wonder in single remedy system of homoeopathy, where as majority of homoeopaths demand for a rule to allow them  to prescribe Allopathic medicines. Hindustan times  reports—“59 K (59 thousand) homoeopaths will be allowed to practice allopathy after completing a one-year  course in pharmacology, sparking fears of substandard health care services”.  This will be allowed or not is altogether  a different matter. Homoeopathy is a vast science and offers complete cure for each and every diseases. Homoeopaths should concentrate in their subject. This deviation from Homoeopathy and demand for permission to prescribe Allopathic medicines is mainly due to the fact that they are far  from understanding single remedy system and unable to develop  the art of cure. I suppose, one can learn Single remedy system only after about ten years of experiments of different remedies in different potencies  and then lot of practice to gain experience. And only then, the soft art of single remedy cure can be achieved. The abundant use of the remedies  will aggravate the disease instead of curing it. Be careful, single remedy system is rarely available. Do not be dependant on a bogus Homoeopath.    

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Blood basic of Homoeopathy

                                                                Blood basic of Homoeopathy in my view
A human body is made up of five elements namely Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Sky. I would like to mention that few people believe that these five elements are subtle  elements and claim that a human body has three hidden elements namely Intellect, Ego and soul. We can not see these three but it exists and no body can deny the existence of these three. The subtle elements are resources of survival for hidden elements. These elements are present in the body in some ratio.  We are likely to fall sick if this ratio is disturbed due to some reason. It can also cause glandular disturbance.
                                                            Till the time all the elements are in natural and original ratio, the so called life force is in it’s original place and a human is disease free. If this ratio is not maintained due to some reason, the  life force is disturbed and a human falls sick. This disturbance in life force is mainly due to some infections or deficiencies. To achieve a cure is nothing but to bring the life force in it’s original place. This original place is nothing but an imaginary location, from where the energy is distributed in every direction as the need be. This location is in certain plane and  at a certain  height. The life force can be brought to it’s original plane by correct remedy and to it’s original height by a certain potency. 
                                                                  The life force is very sensitive and reactive to homoeopathic  preparations. A very-very minute quantity of Homoeopathic preparation can cause a drastic change in the position of the life force. Balancing the life force is  very soft and delicate art.  It becomes a necessity to learn the fine art of balancing the life force. A micro quantity of the preparation, aggravates the situation or cures it. This art of fine balancing of life force can only be learnt by experiments and experience. For now it is better for you to believe it.  
                                                                       This drastic change caused by  a micro-micro  quantity of the preparation is the curing power of the Homoeopathy and also a set back. If you can expertise the use of the Homeopathic preparation, then the  set back is gone and the curing power is for us to use. If this set back over powers you then  you become a sin for yourself, for the patient and for homoeopathy.  And if you can over power the set back then you can become a good Homoeopath, cure a patient, you can promote Homoeopathy and have a joyful life. It is the test of knowledge to use the pills to achieve the complete cure. 
                                                            Only and only one, my above mentioned method of balancing of life force by a single remedy system of Homoeopathy is capable of removing the infections from the root and can very much full fill all the deficiencies. I have followed the same art of fine balancing in many patients. In fact the life force will come to it’s natural position automatically by removing the infection from root. The infection can not be removed at once. So, micro-micro quantity of the selected remedy should be given at suitable interval. The remedies displayed almost the same characteristic behaviour during removal of infection. Therefore the art has been proved to be correct in many patients.  Details will follow in practicals of Homoeopathy.
                                                                                                                         As we know by now, that all the remedies have different curing strength in different potencies and quantity, I will mention the potency and quantity separately and remedy wise. The art of fine balancing becomes difficult if the patient has taken too much quantity of some remedies. The selection of right remedy  becomes equally difficult due to different medical background. 
                                                                                         In conventional system the disease is treated and the cause is ignored. This cause grows little-by-little and day-by-day causing more severe situation. This ignorance gives opportunity to the infection to grow, which in turn takes the form of killer diseases. The case becomes chronic in nature.
                                                                                                         As a rule, in Homoeopathy we should never try to cure a disease directly. Homoeopathy is not made for treating disease. Homoeopathy strongly advocates the removal of the cause which created several diseases. I view Cholera, Malaria, Measles, Typhoid, Chicken pox, Jaundice and severe injury etc. as the root cause.  While taking up the case if I find a history of any one of the above infections, then I straight way look for the remedy for these infections and it’s cure. Remember the infection of malaria for example, will be cured by different remedies in different patients. The result is always excellent. Long live the name of Dr. Hahnemann.