I AM NOT A DOCTOR. The content in this blog is based on my extended studies, experiment and experience. and no one in the world can prove the findings to be wrong. Please refer htysolution.blogspot.com, htyremedies.blogspot.com,htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Constitution of a patient

                                                               Constitution of a patient  

There are three constitutional miasm— Psora, sycosis and syphilis and A patient may suffer with  one or two or all the three miasm. Suffering with only one miasm Psora is rare to find and therefore a patient may suffer with two or all the three miasm.

Psora—It is in the thought process of the human and influenced by eating and living habit as well. The miasm remains silent in sound health and it may not speak. But when subjected to extreme of cold or extreme of heat or if over eating, over tiring, the miasm may outburst and speak. The chronic disease starts to form. Psora is responsible for 96% of the diseases.

Sycosis—This miasm is an element in the organism of the parent. This is congenital. This miasm is responsible for 2% of the diseases. 

Syphilis—When the infection of Syphilis or Gonorrhoeal  get maltreated, the chronic condition may form in the organism of a human and take the form of chronic miasm called Syphilis. This miasm is responsible for 2% of the diseases. 

Professor K C Bhanja writes in his book “Constitution”—There is absolutely no other way to eradicate chronic miasms from the Human system. That means Single remedy system of Homoeopathy is the only way to complete and permanent cure.  

The following constitute the complete constitution of a patient—

1-Patient’s thought process-mind symptoms

2-Parental Characteristics- inherited from the parent—colour-fair, wheatish, dark , black etc

3-Genetic transfers

4-Hereditary characteristics-of father and mother.

5- Eating habits-Likes, craving, aversion, disagree.

6-Living habits.

7-What aggravates and what ameliorates— Heat, cold, weather, storms, sea side, full moon etc.

8-Side of the body effected

9-Sleep disorder.

10- Complete medical history and suffering details.

11-Miscellaneous—All other information and symptoms pertaining to the patient.

The diseases, on one hand, is like a guide in  tracing the hidden infection and on the other hand it helps to select the right indicated constitutional remedy.  

Dr E B Nash writes— If there is too much confusion of the miasm and diagnosis but you are sure of the remedy “A” for example-then the remedy “A” is the diagnosis and the remedy “A” is the right remedy for cure but only if the remedy “A” produces manifestation and offers complete and permanent cure.  

Surprisingly, every disease gets attached to the constitution of a patient and therefore needs the constitutional remedy for it’s  cure. I got an injury in my left heel. There was no visible sign of any injury in the heel but was very painful to walk. It was believed that the injury caused rheumatism and is the cause of heel pain. And yes, when I took the constitutional remedy, my heel pain along with all other sufferings, disappeared. I was left astonished  but was filled with surprises and joy, and I am here. 

How the diseases get attached to the constitution and how the constitutional remedy  can cure every diseases. We can find the answer of such questions in the Chapter— Drug affinities. For the ease and convenience, the remedies  have been divided in four categories-Capital letter resemblance, closely related, small bold letter resemblance, small letter resemblance and remote resemblance in italics. So, all the remedies may display their own mild symptoms and if given may offer relief and benefit. But the constitutional remedy, consisting of own symptoms and the symptoms of all other associated remedies, can cure own symptoms as well as the symptoms of all other associated remedies. (please read deceptive characteristic behaviour of Homeopathic remedies for more explanation). The compare remedies also may display their own symptoms in a remedy. And now refer the drug relationship with each other and amongst one another. The antidotes of a remedy, complementary remedy etc may also display their own symptoms. This indicates the complexity of the science of cure in Homoeopathy. Therefore, I have mentioned in my previous chapters that it is ultimately the art of balancing the life force by the right remedy, indicated potency and the correct quantity. 

So, the constitution of a patient plays a big role in getting cure. Refer —Leaders by Dr E B Nash MD, page no 50—  In a 3 member family, if all have the same infection, all the three will be treated with 3 different remedies. That means same infection, same family but 3 different remedies will be used to treat all the three members. Because in most probability all the 3 members will have three different constitution.  And therefore no one remedy can be used to treat all the three members. 

The complexity, we must learn and understand. 


Friday, 3 June 2022

Single Remedy Minimum Dose

                                                               Single Remedy Minimum Dose

With reference to the book, “Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics” by Dr. E B Nash M D, page number 6 &19, “ Single remedy and the minimum dose” Let us understand the practical meaning of the quote, when we use Homeopathy for the purpose of cure. 

The quote may be divided in two parts—Single remedy—which means only one remedy. And the second—Minimum dose—which means minimum  quantity. 

As the name suggests, the use of only one remedy to drive the hidden infection out from a patient’s body is called SINGLE REMEDY SYSTEM. By now we must have learnt that in most of the cases only one infection is the root cause of many diseases. Disease is the natural out cry of the hidden infection.  This hidden  infection needs to be removed out from the body by using only one remedy, in order to get complete and permanenet cure. And this is called Single remedy system of Homoeopathy, which is nothing but the true law of cure. 

It is never optional. Take the remedy or the remedy will follow the course of diseases. The hidden infection will continue to produce disese in absence of the Single remedy for the case in hand. No other system in the world can be parallel to SINGLE REMEDY SYSTEM.

This Single remedy is the constitutional remedy for the patient in most of the cases.This one remedy which was used, may need to be complemented  by it’s complementary remedy. So, the Single remedy and it’s complementary remedy, two combined together form one remedy for the case in hand. Most of the remedies work independently and are capable of curing all the diseases of a patient which the patient may have suffered in past or may be suffering presently. Such remedies work all alone and does not need to be complemented by any other remedy. 

The discover, Dr. Hahnemann has once said “ What remedy do I give, what potency do I select and what quantity of the remedy I determine—- is not the business of a patient” Also a patient does not need to know when do I repeat the remedy. The noble man advised to the patient to just relax and asured that he will be cured of all his sufferings.

That means as a patent you are not required to know any thing about your remedy, treatment and cure.

 As an individual—Most of the remedies are very-very long and deep acting. Even the Homeopathic doctor can not simply determine the working sphere and the working duration of a remedy. Therefore a close study is required to know the effect of the remedy.

For now you must know that the remedies offer cure only if used correctly. The misuse of the remedies can harm beyond imagination and over use can kill. There are remedies—one white pill can work (In certain circumstances) for up to 300 years ( three hundred years) and therefore one drop will work for 40x300=12000 years. Never dare to touch the remedy, unless you know it full.

Minimum Dose— Dose is a confusing word and needs to be defined clearly. Dose is the quantity of a remedy which is used for the purpose of cure. Determining the quantity is a great task and therefore minimum quantity is a variable quantity which can be determined depending up on the case in hand. It may be defined as a quantity which will work effectively and offer cure without causing any harm to the patient. Following are the influencing factors for determining the quantity—The remedy, the potency, age of the patient, health of the patient, medical background of the patient and most important the susceptibility of the patient. Susceptibility is the inner and over all strength of the patient to bear the action of the remedy. 

The working duration (Periodicity) depends up on the quantity of the remedy and therefore we must decide the fact that for how much TIME ( for how long) we want the remedy TO WORK. In most of the cases the quantity used is micro-micro quantity so that the remedy works only for the required duration ( Let us say for 24 to 30 hours) The 1/30,000 of a pill ( one pill divided in thirty thousand part) is the quantity which may be used in most of the cases. But there could be a weak and sick patient and for that patient 1/30,000 of a pill may be a large quantity and therefore we may decide to give only 1/50,00,000 of a pill ( one pill divided in fifty lac/lakh). We realise the importance of micro-micro quantity while treating a cancer or a CKD patient. If the remedy  produces manifestation, it is most happy thing to happen. But what if the remedy failed to produce manifestation. In such a situation, the remedy may aggravate the disease and the patient’s suffering will further increase or may add up few more sufferings and the patient’s health will further deteriorate. 

During my suffering, I needed to take a strong remedy in 200th potency. It was long and deep acting remedy, so I was scared to use. I needed to take it as an antidote to control the situation. I took 1/1,00,00,000 of a pill (one pill divided in one crore time). It worked, but I realised it to be very strong. Here 1/1,00,00,000 is a large quantity. I kept  diluting it up to 1/30,00,00,000 of a pill (one pill divided in thirty crore times). That means it was 30,00,00,000 times less than a pill. I needed to take 30,00,00,000 times and then it will be equal to one pill. I took it and it worked effectively. But only thing is that I needed to repeat it several times in a day. I observed and noted that the "R" remedy in "P" potency and this quantity (1/30,00,00,000 of  a pill), is no longer capable of producing the effect so called momentum. The mcro-micro quantity (1/30,00,00,000) of a pill, breaks down the remedy's tendency to pick up the effect  which can be well compared with the momentum of a moving mass.  Here 1/30,00,00,000 is micro-micro quantity which produces effect for  a short duration of time without causing any harm. There is nothing like momentum in Homeopathy but even I do not know what to call this effect. So for the purpose of explanation I have equated this effect to the momentum and explained the effect in terms of momentum. And this effect  is such a bad thing to happen in human body. There is yet another point. Every facotr is constant and no alteration/modification is possible except for the quantity. The quantity determination is in our hand and we need to apply our expertise to determine it and also when to repeat and when not to repeat. It will be worth to recollect that if someone has misused the remedy and given in large quantity then,  if the remedy has taken 10 years to reach to it’s peak effect , it will take another 10 years to totally exhaust the effect. It also means that the human body has to suffer unnecessarily for 10+10=20 years so as to expel the bad effect totally out from the body. WHOSE FAULT IS IT ANYWAY ??

In it’s graphical representation, the effect of Homeopathic remedies may be presented as Immediate effect (from the time remedy touches the tongue to seven days), then Intermediate effect—from 7th day to 5 years (mild symptoms will be displayed.  Then the silent effect— mild effect but no clue of serious disease to come in future. So I call it a silent effect and it is Linear in the graphical presentation. Because it keeps rising. And then comes the peak effect created by the remedy and generally serious in nature. The weak and sick gets killed. The young and strong survives. The effect, the duration and every thing else is all variable from case to case. So big is the effect of quantity used. And therefore, it definitely needs bigger explanation. It issues a warning to use the remedies cautiously. 

It is all due to the deceptive characteristic behaviour of the Homeopathic remedy and our poor knowledge of Homeopathy. We are not aware of this fact and use the remedy without knowing about it full. 

Remember, every remedy that we give, effects the weakest part first and the weakest organ most. That means wrong remedy or wrong potency or large quantity will aggravate the disease and worsen the health.  

Coming  back—the only disadvantage of micro-micro quantity use for the first time, I have found in my practice is that the remedy being in micro-micro quantity may produce very-very mild symptoms and may put us in confusion. We may find it difficult to distinguish whether it is  manifestation or aggravation. In a situation like this— first the patient condition will suggest. Second, we may repeat the remedy in same quantity or may decide to increase the quantity. As a rule the suitable antidote must be kept stand by for use, if required. 

So, we can recollect two basic facts—Cure is possible but very difficult to get. And second— Homeopathy is a science of complex symptoms but we need to develop the art of cure.   

key to cure-

1—Single remedy

2—Suitable potency

3—Minimum quantity

4—Must produce manifestation

5—Repeat after suitable time gap. The action of previous remedy must exhaust —before repeating the remedy again or before giving any other remedy.

The whole world will remember Dr. Nash for his contribution in Homoeopathy.

At the same time, Single remedy system of Homeopathy is the only system in the world to offer complete and permanent cure, which is rarely available.

The Homeopathy that we see is the professional face of Homeopathy. The remedies that we see, is the marketing and business face of the remedies.

That means there are many BABA. Few cheat people and earn money in the name of Homeopathy, few through Ayurveda and few through yoga.

The health condition and spread of disease like cancer, diabetes is on the rise. The average population of India above 60 years of age is only 4%. Be careful, no one will offer cure. Save yourself from mistreatment.

Remember Dr. Hahnemann was a honest human, now we are surrounded by dishonest people.