I AM NOT A DOCTOR. The content in this blog is based on my extended studies, experiment and experience. and no one in the world can prove the findings to be wrong. Please refer htysolution.blogspot.com, htyremedies.blogspot.com,htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 18 December 2018


                                                                          The Placebo

Dr. Hahnemann, the father of Homeopathy, had fore seen the circumstances that we face today. His soul from up in the sky, must be crying to see the deformed use of the Homeopathy and the remedies. The definition of Homeopathy and the law cure has been modified to suit our needs and earn money. No one  should have any right to modify the definition and redefine the law of cure for personal cause or individual interest or for the purpose of earning money.
The discoverer advocated to use placebo just to control the psychology of a patient. That means the sole idea of placebo is to give extra plain pills. The placebo is also called lack sack or plain pills. By giving placebo the patient feels attended and that he is taking enough of the remedy to get quick cure. The sole idea of the placebo is to offer psychological benefit to the patient. He went to the extent of saying that unless you give placebo, you can never become a Homeopathic doctor and you can never cure a patient. Placebo forms an important part of the treatment. But remember that a placebo can never offer cure. A remedy offers cure and the placebo offers the psychological benefit because the remedy can never be given regularly. 

In present days, people use plain pills on the pretext of the actual remedy just for the purpose of earning money. The word placebo remains the same but the objective is different. Earlier it was for the control of psychology now it to earn money.
The more important—If a doctor gave only placebo to a patient—the placebo will neither harm nor benefit. That means the patient lost only time and money (Time is more important part of life than money). But at the same time the placebo did no cause any harm.
What if the doctor gave large quantity of the actual remedy along with placebo due to lack of knowledge —If the remedy did not suit to the patient—the remedy will cause great harm. Even if suitable, a large quantity will increase all his sufferings over a period of time. That means the patient lost time, the patient lost money and his disease aggravated and the condition became worse over a period of time.
Now let us understand why placebo—The action of the remedies are very deep and long acting. The remedies offer cure only if used in micro quantity. The over use can cause great harm and even kill. The micro quantity may be practically defined as the quantity which can surprise the Homeopathic doctor and the patient both and at the same time offers complete and permanent cure. The micro quantity in my opinion is 1/30,000(one by thirty thousand part of a pill), for most of the patients and many of the remedies. This quantity is safe and offers cure if the remedy can produce manifestation. More than this quantity is all dangerous to use. The only problem that can be faced by use of this quantity is that the produced symptoms may be mild and difficult to analyse. And the symptoms will appear only for few days.  In such case we can repeat the remedy again after suitable time gap.
Dr. Hahnemann offered a system of complete cure for the cause of Humanity. He was aware that common people may fail to understand the science of complex symptoms and therefore he warned that matching the symptoms of the patient and that of the remedy is of utmost importance. The extent of match is not 99.99%. The matching should be 100% complete and so much so to replicate the symptoms of the remedy and the symptoms of the patient. Failure to do so will cause great harm.


Sunday, 28 October 2018

Is the remedy slow to act?

                                                          Is the remedy slow to act?

Homeopathic remedies are quick and very quick to react and act. I have seen injury remedies acting and reducing the pain within 1–5 minutes. This will depend up on the injury and age of the patient.
I have experimented to see the remedies to act within 60 seconds (Sixty seconds).
The action of the injury remedies so quickly may not harm much but the constitutional remedies should never act and display the symptoms so quickly. If a constitutional remedy acts and displays the symptoms so quickly that means the quantity of the remedy is much more than the required. Also the potency of the remedy will be in question. It also may mean that the age of the patient was not considered.
If the constitutional remedy produces the action and displays symptoms so quickly that means the remedy is bound to harm and even make the patient seriously sick. But this harmful and killing effect will come after many months and years or even decades. The time taken to produce killing effect depends upon on the remedy, the potency , the quantity , age of the patient and health condition of the patient. Experience has taught that at this time the remedy is at the peak of the action. If the patient survives then he will keep falling sick for almost the period equal to the time taken to reach the peak action. That means if remedy has taken 7 years to produce it’s peak action, it will take next seven years to exhaust it’s action and leave the body.
It also means that you have not read all my answers on Quora.com, htysolution.blogspot.com,htyremedies.blogspot.com.

Know the harm in detail—-
When we take a Homeopathic preparation, it starts to act and keeps working for longer time and the working duration can never be reduced. This working duration will depend up on the remedy, the potency, the quantity, the patient’s medical background and the age etc. 
This can be well compared with the momentum of a vehicle which is gained as a product of it’s mass and velocity. Now the remedy acts on the organ and starts causing harm. It can cause retention of urine, kidney failure, liver failure, heart attacks etc. These diseases are the created symptoms during the proving of a remedy. And now the very basic— “What it creates that it cures and what it cures that it creats”. It is worth to know that one remedy may produce 100 diseases but all the 100 diseases will not be produced in one human and this complexity makes us to consider the constitution of the patient and the medical background. 
Going deeper in the subject, one remedy may produce symptoms of some other closely related remedy which makes us to consider the remedy’s relationship with other remedies. This makes us to think that the remedies offer complete cure but the process of cure is not simple and straight. Even if we have clear symptoms and pointers, the right indicated remedy may not be selected, This point stops us from going further and most of us quit to follow real sense of Homeopathy, the curing principles, the law of cure. People follow the short cut method of disease based treatment which is again more harmful and dangerous. This is the reason the remedies cures non but kills many.

There are many remedies—- One pill works for 300 years in it’s 30th potency. So, to use this remedy the correct quantity is about 1/10,000 to 1/30,000 of a pill( one pill divided in 10,000 to 30,000 times). If, by mistake or due to lack of knowledge , some body gives 1/100 of a pill, the patient will keep falling sick for three years and if one pill is given, he may keep falling sick for all his life and may get killed due to the action of the remedy, even before.
The effect of the remedy should be displayed by the patient after some time delay. This time delay may be used in judging the exact quantity required. The greater quantity produces the symptoms very quickly. The smaller quantity produces the symptoms after much time delay. A delay of about 10 to 15 hours may indicate that the quantity given was the right quantity, depending on the susceptibility of the patient. We have to expertise the art.
If the remedy given is just opposite in nature to the required remedy, it may produce the effect much quickly. In such cases the patient may fall in-proportionally sick due to the remedy. The situation becomes worse.
When the action of the remedy is about to exhaust, it will try to leave the body. At this time the action goes to peak. It causes fever. It attacks the alimentary system and then the circulatory system, then the respiratory system etc. If the patient is strong enough the remedy causes little harm and if the patient is weak, it causes great harm. If the quantity given was too much , it may be declared a case of multiple organ failure.  The cause is silent because very few people know the use of the remedy. Here the remedy may work as a silent killer. 
If the quantity is large-and-large it can kill even young and strong. If the quantity is micro-and-micro, it will not cause any harm to even aged and weak. May be, this is the reason, some body has said that using Homeopathic remedy without knowledge is like driving a car which is not fitted with brakes.
If the quantity given was too much, it will take longer time to leave the body and create severe distress. Strange?? "Added dose added days"
If the quantity given was too much, it will cause much disaster at the time of living the body. The situation may be out of control. "Added dose added distress"
Allopathic or Ayurvedic medicines can not counter the effect of homoeopathic remedies in most of the cases.
Homoeopathic remedies should be better called potentized poisons .
Well, it is point to understand. In general, any thing that is beneficial, is capable of harming as well. Let us understand it in a very simple and natural way. The milk is beneficial and is also a part of our balanced diet. The average quantity of milk consumed by an adult may vary from 250ml to 1000ml daily. Alright now, can we take 2000 ml of milk daily? Yes, we can take but rarely and not all of us. So far so good but now think, can we take 5000ml of milk daily? The answer is no. The milk is same but depending upon the quantity the answer has changed from YES to RARELY and finally to NO. But what can happen if we drink 5000ml of milk forcefully. The first thing will be that our body will not accept it and we will vomit it out. It may cause us to fall sick.
Let us take one more example. We breath air and oxygen is used by our lungs for the exchange of carbon dioxide. Oxygen is our very need for survival. Each second of our life should be oxygenated. But think, can we breath pure oxygen. The answer is NO. If we breath pure oxygen for longer and longer time, there may be oxidation which will cause heat. It is undesirable and harmful as well.
So is the case with Homoeoepathic preparations, the so called remedy. The remedy is beneficial only if it is taken in the way it is required to be taken. And to know the way and correct use, it takes decades and decades, to understand the characteristics behaviour of a remedy. just believe me for now. On the other hand if the remedy is taken in wrong way and used incorrectly, the whole life may be ruined. Here i fully agree with Dr. Nash. Refer "Expanded work of Dr. Nash" Preface page number xvii. It states that --The drug capable of curing, misapplied may kill instead of curing. 

So, I would like to warn once again and remind you that the remedy is beneficial only if applied and taken correctly. If taken incorrectly, only God knows the result. Remember it and do not forget.

A human body is made up of five elements namely Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Sky. I would like to mention that few people believe that these five elements are subtle elements and claim that a human body has three hidden elements namely Intellect, Ego and soul. The hidden elements makes us to crave to live. We can not see these three but it exists and no body can deny the existence of these three. The subtle elements are resources of survival for hidden elements. These elements are present in the body in some ratio. We are likely to fall sick if this ratio is disturbed due to some reason. It can also cause glandular disturbance.
Till the time all the elements are in natural and original ratio, the so called life force is in it’s original place and a human is disease free. If this ratio is not maintained due to some reason, the life force is disturbed and a human falls sick. This disturbance in life force is mainly due to some infections or deficiencies. To achieve a cure is nothing but to bring the life force in it’s original place. This original place is nothing but an imaginary location, from where the energy is distributed in every direction as the need be. This location is in certain plane and at a certain height. The life force can be brought to it’s original plane by correct remedy and to it’s original height by a certain potency.

The life force is very sensitive and reactive to homoeopathic preparations. A very-very minute quantity of Homoeopathic preparation can cause a drastic change in the position of the life force. Balancing the life force is very soft and delicate art. It becomes a necessity to learn the fine art of balancing the life force. A micro quantity of the preparation, aggravates the situation or cures it. This art of fine balancing of life force can only be learnt by experiments and experience. For now it is better for you to believe it.
This drastic change caused by a minute quantity of the preparation is the curing power of the Homoeopathy and also a set back. If you can expertise the use of the Homeopathic preparation, then the set back is gone and the curing power is for us to use. If this set back over powers you then you become a sin for yourself, for the patient and for homoeopathy. And if you can over power the set back then you can become a good Homoeopath, cure a patient, you can promote Homoeopathy and have a joyful life.

The findings are based on my eighteen years of extended studies, dedicated learning, experiments and experience. The findings are cross checked and found to be true and correct and therefore no one in the world can prove it to be wrong.