What to do when?
“What to do when” has been brought to you as a help. It is not by rule but an experience only. It is an information and does not request or force any body for taking a decision.
(1) Cancer- Generally uncontrollable production of epithelial cells is called cancer. Cell destruction and cell division is natural but very complicated process. The cells grow, divide and die. This is a natural and an orderly process. This orderly process is controlled by Genes. Any disturbance in this orderly process may point to some genetic or DNA related disorders. Cancer is the name given to a collection of related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of the body’s cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues. Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells. Normally, human cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old or become damaged, they die, and new cells take their place. If cancer develops, this orderly process breaks down. As cells become more and more abnormal, old or damaged cells survive when they should die, and new cells form when they are not needed. These extra cells can divide without stopping and may form growths called tumours. The tumours may be benign or malignant. The benign tumours may be large, but after removal they usually do not grow back. They do not spread into, or invade, nearby tissues. They are considered to be harmless. Unlike most benign tumours elsewhere in the body, benign brain tumours can be life threatening.
Cancerous tumours are malignant, which means they can spread into, or invade, nearby tissues. In addition, as these tumours grow, some cancer cells can break off and travel to distant places in the body through the blood or the lymph system and form new tumours far from the original tumour. This is called Metastasis.
Many cancers form solid tumours, which are masses of tissue but Cancers of the blood, such as leukemias, generally do not form solid tumours. There are around one hundred types of cancer. Major categories are as follows:
- Sarcomas- They originate in muscles, fibrous tissues and fats, known as soft tissue cancer. This may be in bone as well as in cartilages.
- Leukemias- is the cancer of blood cells.
- Lymphomas- It effects the lymphatic system.
- Carcinomas- This is most common and around 80% cancers are carcinomas. This arises and develops in organs such as breast, stomach, colon, prostrate and skin cancers etc.
- Others- There are few types of skin cancers and brain tumours etc.
If millions of cells are produced, we keep killing millions of cells. The therapy used to kill the cells by chemical substances is called chemotherapy. The medicine is strong and the side effect is much stronger. In most of the cases the patient dies of the medicine. The patient dies of chemo. Second option is surgery and radiation.
Adopt single remedy cure of Homeopathy in time, this stage will never come. And even if this stage comes, one can be cured. Better to approach in early stage. Single remedy system of Homoeopathy can cure it in any stage. A patient may take much time to find a Homoeopath who can follow single remedy cure and the Homeopath may take much more time to choose the right remedy. The time taken by the Homoeopath may be too late for the patient. Ready doctors, ready hospitals and the ready medicine—- the formula does not apply in single remedy system of homeopathy. There is no fixed remedy for an infection and disease. There is no fixed pattern for treating the patients. Here it is like different patient, different search and different remedy. It is not a tailored system. The single remedy system of Homeopathy is system for search. New patient, new search. But once found it will accomplish complete cure for whole life. I read in prestigious magazine “India Today dated 22 feb. 2010” quoted as —“In cancer, some problems can be solved, some can’t be, and some can’t be solved yet. But hope for a cure is definitely on the cards. Sums up Dr. G.K Nath, Chief of the Rotary cancer hospital, at All India Institute of medical sciences.(AIIMS) Delhi.” It further quotes “ The idea of “cure” calls for a definition. A majority of cancers recur in the first two-three years of diagnosis and hence a five-year survival has traditionally been equated with cure, says Dr. R. A. Badwe, director of Tata Memorial Hospital & cancer research Institute (TMC) Mumbai.
The survival for about five year, after the cancer is discovered, is equated with cure. I do not agree to this equation at all. How can you equate like this? It is not fair and I strongly oppose this definition.The cure should be equated only with cure and nothing else. Perhaps, Allopathy does not know the definition of cure. Allopathy should never talk of cure. Cure is never their subject. Their subject is treatment based on disease. Allopathy follows the disease. In turn, it suppresses the infection which caused cancer. This is the reason, the cancer reoccurs or some other diseases follow. Dr. C. A. Baldwin MD writes in his book "Hahnemann's Organon of the art of healing, restated, page no 6" as follows- "The drug selected as a remedial agent by the allopathic method, does not act curatively, but sets up opposite or contrary symptoms, which temporarily relieves the sick symptoms or ultimately suppresses or complicates them but never cures them."
The science and doctors should be highly appreciated for their achievement in the field of medicine and surgery. But their approach directly to the disease does not yield good results. On the other hand, homoeopathy offers magical cure due to it’s approach towards the cause of cancer. Homoeopathy advocates for the removal of the cause of cancer instead of treating the cancer directly.
This infection which caused cancer can be removed out from the body by only and only single remedy system. Be warned the Single remedy system is rarely available, because it is not simply achieved. It is a very-very difficult task to follow single remedy system. Single remedy system can cure the infection and there after a human will never suffer with any disease. If you are cured according to single remedy system of Homoeopathy, only then you can realise the virtues of homoeopathy and not other wise. I am disease-free today and I will remain so. I will write more about it in remedies pages and case study.
(2) Formation of stone in the gal bladder or Kidney—Formation of stone takes place only when the infection has been suppressed by different medicines(Probably strong ones) for longer-longer time. Depending upon the seriousness we must consult a doctor soonest possible. In most of the cases surgery is suggested for removal of the stone. After removal of the stone your brain exercise must start. It is already too late. Does the bile have natural property? Is the Liver function normal? You must consult a Homoeopath who can cure you according to single remedy cure. Remember it is rare to get a single remedy cure but you have to find it. The removal of stone is a treatment. The cause of stone formation is still hiding in your body. The proof for infection hiding in your body is with you. You will find that even after the removal of stone, some or other problem always exists. you will never feel disease free from within.The infection in your body has moved in, so much so to cause Liver to produce defective bile. The cause must be removed at the earliest, other wise stone formation is not the end. The stone will be reformed or the gal bladder removal may be required. It is also possible that the infection will change it’s place and cause some other disease. The next disease could be more dangerous. I have seen many cases of paralysis attack after stone formation and subsequent removal.
Similar is the case with kidney stone. The blood composition, functioning of kidney is in question.
(4) jaundice—It is a very common disease. Take precaution. Stop taking heavy food. Never take sweets. After the treatment for jaundice, take precaution, reoccurrence is dangerous. Do not be in an illusion that the Jaundice has been cured and you do not need any medicine further. I got case of swelling in the feet. I found the history of jaundice 10 years before the feet swelling. I gave a right remedy according to Single remedy system. His feet swelling and all other sufferings got cured. I concluded that all his suffering was due to the infection of Jaundice.
(5) Tuberculosis- Oh my God! The whole science and the whole world is after this disease. Let us see the report from Hindustan times news paper. Dr. Samidha Khandre, 24, died of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). According to Maharashtra association of Resident doctors (MARD) 21 resident doctors are being treated for drug-resistant TB. Hindustan Times dated 25 January 2017, reports — Latest anti T.B drug (Bedaquiline, first new drug in 40 years) has no effect on Govandi (A suburb in Mumbai) teen. Allopathy has plenty of medicines for this disease. Non is effective. None can cure. The side effect of the drug is very harmful.
Search for a Homoeopath who can give you Single remedy cure. Homoeopathy can cure tuberculosis and eradicate it from root. The cure starts the moment remedy touches the tongue. But you will take lot of time to search for a homeopath, who can cure it. And Homoeopath will take lot of time to select the right remedy. The lag is on the part of Homoeopath and therefore Homoeopathy should not be blamed. Single remedy system of homoeopathy is a wonder but it is never an easy task to select the right remedy. Homoeopathy is a vast science of symptoms. Few symptoms are clear and few symptoms are not clear and few are related symptoms. These need to be interpreted and made clear. To interpret the symptoms, we need to have expanded study of Homoeopathy. Experience and experiments are the only way to learn this art. As we go more deeper in the minute symptoms, the Homoeopathy grows more vast. The selection of the right remedy becomes tough.
I see a wonder in single remedy system of homoeopathy, where as majority of homoeopaths demand for a rule to allow them to prescribe Allopathic medicines. Hindustan times reports—“59 K (59 thousand) homoeopaths will be allowed to practice allopathy after completing a one-year course in pharmacology, sparking fears of substandard health care services”. This will be allowed or not is altogether a different matter. Homoeopathy is a vast science and offers complete cure for each and every diseases. Homoeopaths should concentrate in their subject. This deviation from Homoeopathy and demand for permission to prescribe Allopathic medicines is mainly due to the fact that they are far from understanding single remedy system and unable to develop the art of cure. I suppose, one can learn Single remedy system only after about ten years of experiments of different remedies in different potencies and then lot of practice to gain experience. And only then, the soft art of single remedy cure can be achieved. The abundant use of the remedies will aggravate the disease instead of curing it. Be careful, single remedy system is rarely available. Do not be dependant on a bogus Homoeopath.