I AM NOT A DOCTOR. The content in this blog is based on my extended studies, experiment and experience. and no one in the world can prove the findings to be wrong. Please refer htysolution.blogspot.com, htyremedies.blogspot.com,htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Blood basic of Homoeopathy

                                                                Blood basic of Homoeopathy in my view
A human body is made up of five elements namely Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Sky. I would like to mention that few people believe that these five elements are subtle  elements and claim that a human body has three hidden elements namely Intellect, Ego and soul. We can not see these three but it exists and no body can deny the existence of these three. The subtle elements are resources of survival for hidden elements. These elements are present in the body in some ratio.  We are likely to fall sick if this ratio is disturbed due to some reason. It can also cause glandular disturbance.
                                                            Till the time all the elements are in natural and original ratio, the so called life force is in it’s original place and a human is disease free. If this ratio is not maintained due to some reason, the  life force is disturbed and a human falls sick. This disturbance in life force is mainly due to some infections or deficiencies. To achieve a cure is nothing but to bring the life force in it’s original place. This original place is nothing but an imaginary location, from where the energy is distributed in every direction as the need be. This location is in certain plane and  at a certain  height. The life force can be brought to it’s original plane by correct remedy and to it’s original height by a certain potency. 
                                                                  The life force is very sensitive and reactive to homoeopathic  preparations. A very-very minute quantity of Homoeopathic preparation can cause a drastic change in the position of the life force. Balancing the life force is  very soft and delicate art.  It becomes a necessity to learn the fine art of balancing the life force. A micro quantity of the preparation, aggravates the situation or cures it. This art of fine balancing of life force can only be learnt by experiments and experience. For now it is better for you to believe it.  
                                                                       This drastic change caused by  a micro-micro  quantity of the preparation is the curing power of the Homoeopathy and also a set back. If you can expertise the use of the Homeopathic preparation, then the  set back is gone and the curing power is for us to use. If this set back over powers you then  you become a sin for yourself, for the patient and for homoeopathy.  And if you can over power the set back then you can become a good Homoeopath, cure a patient, you can promote Homoeopathy and have a joyful life. It is the test of knowledge to use the pills to achieve the complete cure. 
                                                            Only and only one, my above mentioned method of balancing of life force by a single remedy system of Homoeopathy is capable of removing the infections from the root and can very much full fill all the deficiencies. I have followed the same art of fine balancing in many patients. In fact the life force will come to it’s natural position automatically by removing the infection from root. The infection can not be removed at once. So, micro-micro quantity of the selected remedy should be given at suitable interval. The remedies displayed almost the same characteristic behaviour during removal of infection. Therefore the art has been proved to be correct in many patients.  Details will follow in practicals of Homoeopathy.
                                                                                                                         As we know by now, that all the remedies have different curing strength in different potencies and quantity, I will mention the potency and quantity separately and remedy wise. The art of fine balancing becomes difficult if the patient has taken too much quantity of some remedies. The selection of right remedy  becomes equally difficult due to different medical background. 
                                                                                         In conventional system the disease is treated and the cause is ignored. This cause grows little-by-little and day-by-day causing more severe situation. This ignorance gives opportunity to the infection to grow, which in turn takes the form of killer diseases. The case becomes chronic in nature.
                                                                                                         As a rule, in Homoeopathy we should never try to cure a disease directly. Homoeopathy is not made for treating disease. Homoeopathy strongly advocates the removal of the cause which created several diseases. I view Cholera, Malaria, Measles, Typhoid, Chicken pox, Jaundice and severe injury etc. as the root cause.  While taking up the case if I find a history of any one of the above infections, then I straight way look for the remedy for these infections and it’s cure. Remember the infection of malaria for example, will be cured by different remedies in different patients. The result is always excellent. Long live the name of Dr. Hahnemann.     

Saturday, 21 January 2017

The scales

                                                                      THE SCALES
         The two major scales to measure and denote the potency of the Homeopathic      
          remedies are as follows--

  1. Decimal scale- The preparation is in the ratio  of 1:10. It is denoted by “X” and seldom used.
  2. Centesimal scale— The preparations are in the radio of 1:100. It is denoted by “C”.  Widely used potencies are—3C, 6C, 12C, 30C, 200C, 1M (1000C), 10M(10,000C), 50M(50,000C), CM(100,000C) or simply 3, 6, 12, 30 etc. Potencies of 1000 and further above are usually indicated and levelled with Roman numeral “M” because Roman “M” stands for 1000. That means the potency 1000C or simply 1000 (Potency 1000) is indicated by 1M. The potency 10M will mean 10,000C and the potency CM will mean 100,000C . These are the various potencies  in general use. These potencies are used widely and all over the world.
                                                                                                              The potency below 30 is called Low potency. The 30th and 200th are middle potency and above 200 is called high and very high potency. All the potencies are effective and useful. We have to learn to use it.
                            Potency between  12 to 30 (For example- 15,20,25 etc)  and between 30 to 200 (For example 50,100,150) can also be used.  But experiments and  experience show a major change  in  the set of symptoms  produced  in these potencies. Therefore 3,6,12,30,200 and 1M etc.  potencies are widely available and widely used.                                                                                    
                      Dr. Hahnemann advocated the use of 30th potency for most purposes. But remember all the remedies in it’s  30th potency are not equally strong. Few remedies are very strong in 30th potency and therefore these are used in 3 and 6 potency. I have used 30th and 200th potency in most of the cases with successful cure of almost all diseases. Once some body  quoted as saying -I am high potentist.  I totally differ from this view. I am more than sure and have already mentioned that potency can never  be according to the choice. The selection of potency is always according to the case in hand. Please refer previous pages. Please refer preparation of remedies. We will learn more about it in pages to come.   

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Homoeopathy vs others

                                                        Homoeopathy vs others
It is always the question invariably in every family and with every individual as to where to go and to whom to consult in case of sickness? This is more in our country because of the fact that we lag   in the health consciousness. Only few of us know the body anatomy. Our interest towards the health awareness is less. Being healthy and disease free has always been a tough task. We need to be disease free first and only then to maintain the health. Depending on the disease and it’s cause the system can be chosen. In doing so we must know the different symptoms available and it’s advantages and disadvantages. 
                                                         All the systems of treatment are available and  open for all of us. In such a case I feel that if one knows about different systems, it would be much easy for him to decide. The major systems in use are Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Biochemical, Ayurveda, Yoga, Acupressure and  Acupuncture. We can start our treatment from any one of the system. If we get a cure, the question of changing to other system does not arise. But in case unfortunately, we could not get a cure, then we are forced to switch over to some other system. There is no restriction, it is only the matter of suitability.  
                                             Allopathy treats the disease that means the disease comes first and then the treatment follows. Obviously because it is a disease based system. The disease is treated directly. If we find an insulin deficient patient, we inject insulin. This is pure science and purely scientific based. It further proves the disease supported by lab. tests. Dr. C. A. Baldwin MD writes in his book" Hahnemann's Organon of the art of healing, restated, page no 6" as follows- "The drug selected as a remedial agent by the allopathic method, does not act curatively, but sets up opposite or contrary symptoms, which temporarily relieves the sick symptoms or ultimately suppresses or complicates them but never cures them." We can take it for granted that in case of emergency this is the best system. And therefore I conclude that there is no survival without Allopathy. The biggest advantage of this system is surgery. Surgery in present days is very advanced and marvellous. The science and the doctors deserve to be highly appreciated for their great achievements. 
                                                  Homeopathy differs in this regard and suggests that disease should never be treated directly. Instead the cause of the disease should be found first and then remove the cause. It maintains that every disease has a hidden cause. Once the cause is removed, the disease  will be cured by it self. I believe this is a very good approach towards a disease. Homoeopathy  can also offer quick results but practically it is not possible because it involves a procedure to understand the cause and find the suitable remedy. And therefore I conclude that there is no cure without Homeopathy. We should be able to decide for survival and cure depending upon the circumstances and switch over accordingly.
                                                        A patient with  “Vitamin D” deficiency, according to the Lab. test report, consults a doctor. The doctor looks at the report and he prescribes  “D lift”, one  tablet once in  a week. “D lift” is a vitamin D tablet. The system Allopathy does not go for correction of the functioning of the body system. The allopathy goes for the restoration of the deficiency and supplements the same. The patient consulted me for opinion. I studied the case considering  why Vitamin D deficiency?  What are the possibilities? What could be the reason? Is the Liver function normal? If not normal, why it is not normal? It clearly means that the “Why aspect” of the case became a major portion of the case study.  The search begins. The cause is established. The remedy is selected and a line of treatment is finalised. There are every chances that the Liver function will be restored to normal and the Vit. D deficiency will be brought to normal. This restoration will be automatic and for ever because the root cause of the Vit. D deficiency has been eliminated. This is Homoeopathy in real sense. And my endeavour  is to promote this sense of Homoeopathy. 
                                                                                           Now we will take a look of the dictionary meaning of Remedy and medicine. Remedy is Means of counteracting or removing anything undesirable. Medicine —A Science or practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. It is very clear that the remedy is always about the cause of the disease and the medicine is always about the disease. It is always better to cure a cause rather than treating   a disease. 

Please refer Level of Homoeopathy.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Preparation of Remedies

                                                                         Preparation of Homoeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies are prepared from plants, metals, chemicals etc. (Refer sources page). First of all these are extracted, processed and kept in the raw form. This is called tincture and denoted by Q. Only few remedies are used in tincture form. The tincture is used internally and also for external application. Few remedies are used internally as well as  externally. Most of the remedies are used in potentized  form. It would be worth to note that by potentizing, it becomes powerful like that of an Atom and gains a characteristic, which is useful for human disease.Refer htysolution.blogspot.com 
                                                                                                     One measure of the original substance and hundred measures of the plain spirit is mixed together and processed. The process is called Trituration. It is done by mixing, turning and vigorous shaking. The so obtained solution is first potency. We can see and understand that In this potency (first potency), the one measure of original substance has been divided in 100 parts (One measure divided by 100). Now take out one measure from this preparation (first potency) and mix it with another 100 measure of plain spirit and process it.. This is 2nd potency. The  second potency contains original substance divided by 100x100. Which is— one measure of original substance divided by 10,000. Now take out one measure from second potency and mix with another 100 measure of plain spirit. Repeat the processing again. This is third potency. This potency contains original substance divided by 100x100x100. Which is— one measure of original substance divided by 1,000,000. This process goes on to prepare  further higher potencies. The 6 potency dilution is prepared by repeating this process six times. This reparation ends up with one measure of original material diluted by  1,000,000,000,000 times.( 10 raise to 12 zeros) This means one measure of original material is divided by 10 raise to 12 zeros times.
                                                                                                           Repeating  the processing  is called succession. Each succession is followed by another succession so as to prepare a higher potency. The quantity of original material is reduced 100 times in each succession. More a  solution is diluted, higher the potency is prepared. As the potency goes high the quantity of original material keeps reducing. Surprisingly, more diluted substances become stronger  and act more deeper. The end product is often so diluted that it is indistinguishable from the dilutant.  It appears that there is no difference between the plain spirit and the preparation. This is the reason all the Homeopathic preparations look like pure spirit and appears similar.
               No molecule of the original solution is found in the 12th potency of a preparation. By the time we reach to 30th potency of a preparation, the one measure of original material is divided in 1,000,  000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 parts. It is one measure of original material divided by 10 raise to 60 zeros.  Let us see a wonderful quote about 30th potency of a preparation—On an average this would require giving two billion doses per second to six billion people for four  billion years to deliver a single molecule of the original material to any patient. Beautiful Homoeopathy, but only if you know how to use it. The wonder continues further and never  ends.  

                           Most of the preparations in the 30th potency are  very poisonous and we should never use it. It is capable to damage an organ, cause permanent disability and even death if not used with care. So now we will see how to use it for the purpose of  cure.  We will take an example of a remedy Argentum Nitricum 30. Here it is for the purpose of example but it is 100% true as well. Take 40 pills (Pill size number 30) in half drum size of a container. Shake the above mentioned remedy  so as to mix it well. Now take one drop of the remedy and put it in the container of 40 plain pills. Shake it well so as to mix all the pills. That means  the one drop of the remedy is again divided in 40 pills. Be warned, It is still in very poisonous form. Now take 500 spoon of water and put one pill in the water. Cover it. It takes around 7 minutes  for the  pill to get dissolved in the water. So better to leave it for about 10 minutes. After this take one more container and pour the water(solution) in the container. Pour back again so as to mix it well. Repeat the pouring two three times so as to mix it well. Now take one spoon of the remedy (water) from it and give it to the patient. Throw the remaining 499 spoon. The one spoon that we have given to the patient is the REMEDY and the 499 spoon that we have thrown is the poison. This one spoon is also very strong and it will work from one week to one month depending up on the patient.  If the patient is weak, we need to give much less quantity. I have used it up to one pill divided in 3000( three thousand) spoon of water and it has given very marvellous result. We need to repeat the remedy at a suitable time gap. A total  quqntity  of around 1/150 (150th part of one pill) is required to cure a case of CANCER. That means one pill of the remedy can cure around 150 (one five zero)  cancer patients. That means one drop of the said remedy can cure 40x150=6000 patients  That is the reason I call it a wonder. I do not know any other wonder except Homeopathy. 
                                                                Coming back, if the  CM potency is to be prepared the succession is done 1,00,000 times. The tests have confirmed that the preparations above 12th potency  does not posses  even one molecule of the original material. The preparation has no medicinal form. It has virtually no medicine, and thereby it can not be used for curing any disease. No medicine in a medicine can not be called a medicine. The science requires  at least one molecule in the solution so as to call it a medicine. That means it is nothing but pure spirit. Due to this reason the remedies are available freely in the market. Dr. Hahnemann did advocate the remedies to be used in every homes.  Now my question is—-  Why nothing happens if you take micro quantity of pure spirit?  And why either you approach  towards the cure or you fall sick or the situation aggravates if you take micro quantity of the preparation.  This is a Myth. It is million dollar question. And this Myth has been successfully proved by Dr. Hahnemann for curing  a disease state. Every form of the material used, picks up it’s strength and takes a form of so called poison, which is capable of curing an infection in the human body. I believe that the infection itself is a form of poison and therefore it definitely needs a poison for it’s removal. If the infection is powerful then the remedy has to be powerful enough so as to force it out from the body. It becomes important for us to know how to use the powerful remedies to cure a patient.
                           I am sure that only and only the Homoeopathic preparations  are capable of curing infections and there by disease. It offers a complete cure without any virtual use of any medicine. Therefore I call it a science of cure without use of any virtual medicine. Half knowledge is always dangerous not only in the field of Homoeopathy, but every where. Learn homoeopathy and recognise it’s curing power. It will make your life worth living. It can fill you with happiness. 

Monday, 16 January 2017

                                                                                          Levels of Homeopathy 
           Homoeopathy can work in different levels as follows-
  1. Injury based- There are very good and effective remedies available for the treatment of injury. It is common for all human being. The remedy Arnica being the only exception. And therefore no much investigation of the case is required. Please refer htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com for details.
  2. Preventive level- Useful to some extent
  3. Palliative level- It is to temporarily improve the situation but the law of Homoeopathy prohibit us from doing so. For example- if a patient  has abnormally slow pulse, the remedy Digitalis may bring the pulse rate to 80 beats per minutes. Refer MM of Dr. Boericke. Let us see a quote in “Hahnemann’s organon of the art of healing restated by Dr. C.A.Baldwin MD page number 16” The palliative method pleases the patient, gives the doctor prestige, but ultimately injures both. And in my practice I never  adopted this.  
  4. Disease based- It is  too much in practice now a days. But it is not according to the curing principles of Homoeopahty. Homoeopathy is loosing it’s ground because of disease based treatment. It may be beneficial temporarily but in the long run it is very harmful. The law of Homoeopathy prohibit us from doing so. Be warned this is not Homoeopathy in real sense. The preparations are Homoeopathic preparations, but it is not used according to the law of cure. It can never give you good results. Homoeopathy never suggests disease based treatment.  One can not realise the importance of Homoeopathy by using it as a disease based system. I am sure it will be instrumental in increasing the disease instead of curing it. I can not understand why do people follow a easy method. We all must follow the curing principles and get cured. Following the law of cure is very beneficial and it offers a disease free life.  
  5. The Single remedy system based- This is the best and highest level of the Homoeopathy. If you want to know what is Homoeopathy in real sense, If you want to understand the virtues of Homeopathy? just read about it and follow it. My every endeavour is to promote this level of Homeopathy. We can realise the virtues of Homoeopathy and it’s advantages only and only by following this level of Homoeopathy. Remember no other system in the world can be parallel to this system and it is rarely  available. It is very difficult to follow the single remedy treatment and therefore in the present days practice only few doctors, rare to get, follow this system. Please refer Single remedy system page.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Forecast of disease in Human being

                                                                    Forecast of disease
A known neighbour aged about 70 years, came to me and told that he  knew about my  expanded study of Homeopathy. He asked me to treat his eczema of the dorsal surface of his left  hand . It was a surprise to me because I knew that he himself reads Homoeopathy. He has read two-three simple books and failed to treat himself. I took the  complete medical history and suffering details and it was as follows—
  1. Gastralgia- in the year 1998
  2. kidney stone, gravel, brick dust—year 1999
  3. Toothache and extraction of tooth-year 2000
  4. Eczema left hand dorsal surface-2001
  5. Teeth ache and extraction of two teeth again - 2002 
 Details of the remedy taken by himself and by his own knowledge-
  1. Nitric acid- 30, 3-4 pills
  2. Carbo veg- 30, 4-5 pills
  3. Belladonna 30, 4-5 pills
  4. Sanguinaria can.  30, 4-5 pills and many more remedies .     
                                                                                    After taking up the complete medical history and suffering details and  considering the details of the remedies he took so many in excess, I said, I am not sure about your constitutional remedy and therefore unable to suggest any remedy for now. Let me do the case study. And he went back.
                                                                   Now let us understand from remedies point of view. Nitric acid 30 is a very-very powerful and long acting remedy and perhaps most difficult to handle. 3-4 pills of this remedy is not only excess, it is like 500 times in excess. It was concluded that the remedy Nitric acid will cause great harm to him. Please read about the remedies in pages to follow, for now only this much. The second remedy carbo veg 30 was a wrong remedy for his constitution, because he was not fat and sluggish. I do not know what made him to take Carbo veg. 30. Well, Belladonna for now I know, must have encouraged  the development of the infection which caused these many sufferings. It is  because of the fact that Aconite is the antidote to his constitutional remedy and Belladonna as well. Sangunaria 30, I will not be able to tell much about it. He took it for cough etc. and lungs related complains. But in any case not suitable for him at all.
                                                                                     The story begins now. I started comprehensive study of the case. While referring the MM and repertory of Dr. Boericke, I came to conclude and read about the remedy Kreosotum by many other authors. It has very close teeth decay related characteristics.The patient had repeated history of tooth decay and extraction. And in the skin symptoms I read about the dorsal surface eczema. Read and re-read in many books to confirm. I thought  this must be his constitutional remedy. And if it is a fact then the Remedy kreosotum is a remedy for cancer also. I then predicted that this case may develop to be a case of cancer in future. I went in the further details and depth of the case and confirmed my findings. I spoke to one of my family member and asked her suggestion. She said your forecast may be correct but it would never be good to tell him. The patient may be shocked and if not cured by you then it will become  a very embarrassing situation. I was also in confusion “what to do”? The time passed on in deciding whether to say or not to say and when to say because he went to his village house? It was the year 2003. I got a shock and became sad to know that the patient, my known neighbour has become a victim of cancer, is very serious. He is getting vertigo. Not able to take food. Vomits the food taken. He was then brought to Mumbai for treatment. I rushed to him with the remedy Kreosotum 30 and 200. I further asked him few questions. I asked him if he ever took the remedy Kreosotum. His reply was -No. He had never taken Kreosotum in any potency. I asked him to take the remedy Kreosotum and you will be cured. He said my appointment and date for operation is just next week in TMH Mumbai. Let me get operated first. I will take the remedy after my surgery. He had developed cancer in external area of his mouth, left side of chin. I went to attend him during his operation. He recovered well. He went to his village house and returned to TMH after 3 months for review. I met him and asked to take the remedy. He said I am coming back to Mumbai again to consult the doctor and that time I will take the remedy. He went to his village house and fell sick and expired in 2004.  
                                                                                              From the Homoeopathy point of view, I would like to say that if you know the infection and the constitutional remedy suitable to a patient, then it is very much possible to predict  and forecast the future disease. So accurate is the finding, the MM and the Repertory of Homoeoepathy. Today I have no hesitation in saying and coming to conclusion that if  a particular remedy is indicated, the only way to cure is to take that remedy. There can not be any substitute to the indicated remedy. There can not be any substitute to the single remedy system of Homoeopathy.   
Lesson learned--there is no alternate to Single remedy system of Homeopathy. Take the remedy in time to eliminate the infection from root and abort the possibility of disease. The infection will follow it's course and keep creating diseases in absence of the required constitutional remedy. Either take the remedy in time or suffer. 
                             It is better for you to believe this story because every thing written in the blog is all true. I am here to let you know the facts and not the false. I am putting all my learning for you to learn and benefit.
                                                         If you do not believe, I have nothing to loose, but be sure that you will be deprived of the facts of Homeopathy. It is the world's wonder as far as cure is concerned. 


Friday, 13 January 2017

From Electricity to Homoeopathy

                                            FROM ELECTRICITY TO HOMOEOPATHY
I am an Electrical Engineer. The Nature brought me to my destiny. I have dedicated my 16 years of life in  expanded study and experimentation with 9 years 24x7 devotion. And now it is my passion. I am sure that there can not be any mistake in writing. I am healthy and very happy to note that I will remain healthy. Life was never so beautiful. Published for the cause of humanity and the objective is to promote Homoeopathy, spread awareness and benefit people. I am sure that the whole world has to come back to the wonderful SINGLE REMEDY SYSTEM OF HOMEOPATHY -- The one and only one way to the amazing cure. Please refer htysolution.blogspot.com