Blood basic of Homoeopathy in my view
A human body is made up of five elements namely Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Sky. I would like to mention that few people believe that these five elements are subtle elements and claim that a human body has three hidden elements namely Intellect, Ego and soul. We can not see these three but it exists and no body can deny the existence of these three. The subtle elements are resources of survival for hidden elements. These elements are present in the body in some ratio. We are likely to fall sick if this ratio is disturbed due to some reason. It can also cause glandular disturbance.
Till the time all the elements are in natural and original ratio, the so called life force is in it’s original place and a human is disease free. If this ratio is not maintained due to some reason, the life force is disturbed and a human falls sick. This disturbance in life force is mainly due to some infections or deficiencies. To achieve a cure is nothing but to bring the life force in it’s original place. This original place is nothing but an imaginary location, from where the energy is distributed in every direction as the need be. This location is in certain plane and at a certain height. The life force can be brought to it’s original plane by correct remedy and to it’s original height by a certain potency.
The life force is very sensitive and reactive to homoeopathic preparations. A very-very minute quantity of Homoeopathic preparation can cause a drastic change in the position of the life force. Balancing the life force is very soft and delicate art. It becomes a necessity to learn the fine art of balancing the life force. A micro quantity of the preparation, aggravates the situation or cures it. This art of fine balancing of life force can only be learnt by experiments and experience. For now it is better for you to believe it.
This drastic change caused by a micro-micro quantity of the preparation is the curing power of the Homoeopathy and also a set back. If you can expertise the use of the Homeopathic preparation, then the set back is gone and the curing power is for us to use. If this set back over powers you then you become a sin for yourself, for the patient and for homoeopathy. And if you can over power the set back then you can become a good Homoeopath, cure a patient, you can promote Homoeopathy and have a joyful life. It is the test of knowledge to use the pills to achieve the complete cure.
Only and only one, my above mentioned method of balancing of life force by a single remedy system of Homoeopathy is capable of removing the infections from the root and can very much full fill all the deficiencies. I have followed the same art of fine balancing in many patients. In fact the life force will come to it’s natural position automatically by removing the infection from root. The infection can not be removed at once. So, micro-micro quantity of the selected remedy should be given at suitable interval. The remedies displayed almost the same characteristic behaviour during removal of infection. Therefore the art has been proved to be correct in many patients. Details will follow in practicals of Homoeopathy.
As we know by now, that all the remedies have different curing strength in different potencies and quantity, I will mention the potency and quantity separately and remedy wise. The art of fine balancing becomes difficult if the patient has taken too much quantity of some remedies. The selection of right remedy becomes equally difficult due to different medical background.
In conventional system the disease is treated and the cause is ignored. This cause grows little-by-little and day-by-day causing more severe situation. This ignorance gives opportunity to the infection to grow, which in turn takes the form of killer diseases. The case becomes chronic in nature.
As a rule, in Homoeopathy we should never try to cure a disease directly. Homoeopathy is not made for treating disease. Homoeopathy strongly advocates the removal of the cause which created several diseases. I view Cholera, Malaria, Measles, Typhoid, Chicken pox, Jaundice and severe injury etc. as the root cause. While taking up the case if I find a history of any one of the above infections, then I straight way look for the remedy for these infections and it’s cure. Remember the infection of malaria for example, will be cured by different remedies in different patients. The result is always excellent. Long live the name of Dr. Hahnemann.